Pool Day

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They watched as the girl was carried away by her dad. They then turned their head as Luke walked in, "Look who showed up late." Ota said.

"Hey where are Eisuke and Ayden? I came to check her burns." He asked looking for the two to no avail.

"He took her to bed." Hotaru said taking a drink of his water.

"Okay. Then why aren't you all going to bed?" The man asked. "Story time just ended you missed it." The young blond replied.

"I got a question for you." Yuu stated setting up in the chair. "Are you secretly her brother who she thinks is dead?" The man questioned raised his eyebrow at the unusual question. "I ask because you have the same name as him and it's just a little suspicious." The brunette explained.

"I helped treat her all the time after her father would beat her. Me and Luke were great friends especially since I helped the Ice Dragons all the time." Luke said looking a little saddened. "Luke Hirato was in the Ice Dragons and their aunt and uncle knew that and targeted him. They wanted the two girls so they got rid of him. Truth is, if Ayden hadn't been taken in by them, both her and Alice would be in the Dragons. Just to keep them from the ones who would hurt them the most." He further explained about the girl who was like a sister to him.

"But you have to take into consideration that if Luke hadn't died they wouldn't know about either of the mafia groups." Ryosuke stated pointing his finger at the man.

"So she is the one we had been hunting four years and never found." Mamoru stated more than asked his partner. "If you hadn't taken those two weeks off you would've known that." He bluntly said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Luke do you know what happened that night?" the grey haired man further questioned the doctor.

"No one in the mess hall went to help because Brutus and them stopped us. Said that's what Ayden wanted, but she didn't know they would try to kill them. All she wanted was to get out of there with Alice to live a normal life. One they never had." He said sitting in the now empty armchair left by the girl.

"What mafia was it?" Ryohei asked interested in the opposing mafia group that tried to rival his fathers.

"It used to be a branch of the Ice Dragons but Noriko and Masaru didn't like how it was run so they left and took the people under them and created their own , the Silver Lotus. Once those two were gone all their people came back. Everyone that came back told us about this girl that could single-handedly beat any person you put in front of her. They told about how the only thing she despised was killing people. That's why we grew around this time last year."  Soryu explained with an irritated face.

"So I have a question. If she had to kill people, how many did she kill?" Shu asked finally speaking up asking what he didn't dare to ask the troubled girl.

"She didn't have a choice unless she wanted ended up dead. On the night of her first kill. The only way you would notice it was if you really knew her, she might've looked like she didn't care about the deaths of those 30 people but you could see the pain in her eyes. She had never been broke by anything they did to her until she was forced to kill those people. That night was the last time she cried, until she cried about losing Logan. Ayden never let anything happen to her sister but after her death I could tell she wanted to run away and never be found, but she couldn't leave the one place she was ever able to called home, the orphanage." Luke said in the same forlorn voice as earlier.

"Onto a completely different topic. Did anyone else notice how she was looking at you?" Yukari said finally jumping into the conversation, pointing to Ryohei.

"Yeah, she may not know it but she secretly likes you and you can have her." Baba added nudging the raven haired boy giving him a wink.

"The hell?! I don't think so! She is going to be mine!" Yuu shouted with a reddened frustrated face.

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