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They started, at first circling until Ryohei took a half step closer to Ayden. She jumped onto his slightly bent knee using it as leverage to flip herself over his head throwing the raven haired boy off balance. While in the air she turned placing her foot in the center of his back putting force into it sending him forward, then he regained balance.

He composed himself turning towards the smirking girl getting ready once again. She stepped forwards tossing a weak punch, to her standards, at his face. He dodged twisting sending his heal into her side, to many people's surprise, she smirked wider. She held onto his leg which she caught, rolling over it kicking him in the shoulder with both feet.

They exchanged punches and kicks, rolls and flips, both receiving an equal amount of each. "You two, get serious." Luke interrupted the fight and they both smiled at the blonde man.

Ayden took a peculiar stance to which the only ones not confused where Luke, Brutus, and her trainers. She did a twirling round house kick, with her right foot, solidly hitting Ryohei in the side of the head. But before she could move her foot away he grabbed her calf and ankle twisting it in the opposite direction. She flipped in the same direction to avoid breaking her leg. With her free left leg she hooked his neck with the bend of her ankle and foot, stopping her movements. He dropped her right leg grabbing the one slightly chocking him. With her now free leg she pulled his leg out from underneath him sending him backwards. she landed on top of him still pinning him with her leg chocking him.

The fight was about to end when a knife was thrown to the pinned boy. He swung towards the girls shoulder, but she dodged jumping to her feet. "Ah man requiring help so soon? I was hoping for a little more fun." The purple-red haired girl said with a smirking pout.

"Hand-to-hand combat won by Ayden." Brutus announced. "Nice baldy, playing it off as more than one fight. I like it." She said avoiding the swift slashes of Ryohei's blade.

Ayden grabbed her own blade from the ground so they would be evenly matched. "I'm okay with this but I don't condone bloodshed." In under 5 minutes the girl had effectively unarmed the black haired boy tossing both their knifes to the side. A metal staff was then tossed between the two by Luke being claimed by the muscular boy. Ayden skillfully avoided being hit by flipping, ducking, rolling, getting her own hits in when possible. She was cartwheeling away to keep from being hit when she heard a thud right beside her hand. She brushed the weapon to feel the familiar cool metal of a pistol, she avoided picking it up grabbing a staff that had made its way to the mat. When she stood weapon positioned against Ryohei's neck and his at her neck but he also wielded the gun she refused to pick up.

"Winner Ryohei." Brutus said clearly not happy at how the gun had found its way to the mat.

"Why didn't you take the gun? You would've won." Ryohei asked as he handed the weapon to the bald man beside them. The room immediately became quiet at his question.

"I refuse to wield a gun again. For any reason." She said staring into the boys grey-blue eyes with her own sapphire ones.

"Scared of a little fire power, are you? Then you really are a liar, Crimson Moon killed all her victims with a bullet to the center of the forehead." Goro said standing at the door with a bandaged nose and multiple bruises.

"And if you really knew anything about Crimson Moon you know not all of them had been shot right between the eyes, not the center of the forehead. Also blood loss in many different ways, broken necks, etc. But as I said earlier the Crimson moon is dead." Ayden said as she walked out of the room to who knows where.

"Hotaru follow her." Luke instructed her blonde brother and a sweaty Ryohei. "Ryohei go get changed and meet them in the cafeteria. Then proceed to find her an empty room to stay the night in." The two boys left to do as told. He further instructed the others in the room "As for the rest of you, get stretched then start sparing with a partner. And that doesn't exclude you Goro." "That girl just broke my nose and bruised me. I need to rest for today." The spiky haired boy stood at the back of the room

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