When In London

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Riley's P.O.V.

I wake up to the feeling of Liam's arms. I lift them up carefully and slip out. I go downstairs and sit on the couch and turn on the news. 5 minutes later my attention is driven to my stomach. I get up and go to the kitchen. I start to make eggs for me and Liam.

While I'm flipping them my mind wanders to the question Liam asked me last night. Why would he ask me that? Does he not think I love him or something? I don't know. Haven't I proved that to him though. After 1 year of dating I would think so.

I guess I got lost in thought because I smell smoke. I look down and the egg is burned. Oh great, I turn the stove off and put the egg on the plate. Oh well, at least I didn't burn Liam's.

I putting them in different plates, when some one grabs me.


Liam's P.O.V.

I wake up to an empty bed. Where's Riley? I head downstairs and see Riley setting out eggs. I walk behind her without making a sound and grab her waist. she twists around so quick I don't even have time to do a thug before she gasps and slaps my chest "Liam I'm gonna kill you" she says.

   "Sure you are" I say chuckling. "Whatever" she says rolling her eyes. She slides under my arms and grabs the plates and sets them on the table. We sit at the table and I look at her egg. Its burnt, Oh Riley. I grab her plate and switch them. "what are you doing Liam?" she asks me. "My girlfriend is not going to eat anything that is burnt" I say "No Liam its fine I burned it so I'll eat it" she says. She won't give up will she. To settle it I just start to eat the burnt one, I've already finished by the time she pulls the plate away. "uhh" she grunts. "eat it" I tell her pointing to her untouched egg.

  Once she is done she joins me on the couch. "What are we gonna do today?" She asks me. "Wanna go out?" I ask. "Sure" she smiles. I get up and go up to our bedroom. I take a shower and go into my closet. I pull out my old plaid button up shirt with black skinny jeans and red DC's. I walk up behind Riley who is looking for I think her white shorts, which I love on her. I grab her hips and she turns around to face me. "Have you seen my whit-" she stops mid sentence. "Doesn't this shirt bring back memories?" I ask looking down at her. "Yeah just a little" she says, "I love you" I say kissing the top of her head. "Love you too" she mumbles into my shirt. "so what were you saying again?" I say. "Have you seen my white shorts, I can't find them anywhere" she says. I pull them from behind my back. "Thank you Liam" she says grabing them, but I pull them out of her reach. "LIAM" she says. "I will give you them if you kiss me" I say grinning. "No" she says. "alright fine" I say sitting on the bed ontop of them. After a couple of minutes she gives in, she kisses me then I gladly give her the shorts. "jerk" she says slapping my jaw lightly. After 10 minutes she comes out with her make up on and her hair curled. "You don't need make up babe" I tell her while we get into the car. "yes I do" she says. "Whatever you say Riley" I say.

  We pull up into the mall parking lot. "I just hope your fans don't see you" she says. We go in and I let Riley choose what stores she wants. "Hot Topic?" she says. We look around untill she points out a shirt with you'll never guess who was on it. Me and the boys. "Ha cool" I say looking at the shirt. Riley looks through the shirts until she pulls out a "I <3 Liam Payne" tshirt. "Liam" she says. "What?" I say turning to her. "Oh god Riley"  i say. "I want it"she says going up to the check out. "Riley this is so weird. YOur my girlfriend everyone already knows you love me, I don't wanna buy a shirt that says you love me" I whine. "Well even if I wasn't your girlfriend I would still be a fan and I would love you so, and I will buy it" she says. "No its fine" I say paying for it while the cashear gives me a weird look because I'm buying a shirt with my face on it. As we turn around a girl shrieks "Liam Payne OH MY GOD" she screams. "Hi" I say. "Hi will you sign my phone case please?" She asks "yeah sure" I say signing it. "can I also have a picture with you?" she asks. "yeah" I say leaning it and taking it" "Oh hi Riley, can i have a picture with you too if you don't mind?" she asks her. "Yeah I would love to" Riley says sweetly smiling like she just won a gold medal. Thats really cool that my fans support me and Riley. 'You are so pretty I just can't handel it" She says to Riley. 'Thank you" she says. "I can't belive I just met you two, I'm such a huge fan and I support Riam also" she says. "Thank you, do you have a twitter I could follow you at?" I ask. "yeah" she says. She tells me it and I follow her right there. Her phone goes off in her hand and she says it was twitter telling her I followed her. She thanks us again and we go onto another store.

 After a couple more hours and meeting a lot more fans we go home. "wow I really love your fans now" she says. "Yeah" I say pulling up the covers. "Good Night Love you" I say cuddling up next to her. "Love you too" she says as I drift off to sleep.


Well I think that was a pretty long chapter. Thanks for 700 reads and I feel like doing a ask the author so ask me stuff. Please comment, Vote and Share.

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