B3CH15 - The Boiling Rock #2

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"Zuko, are you there?" Sokka asked in a hushed voice.

A view of Zuko's eyes appeared in the slit from the cell "I'm here."

"I just got done talking to my dad. We came up with an escape plan together." Sokka whispered.

"What are you doing here?"

Sokka turned around, pulling down his helmet mask. A male and a female guard had come. Sokka pointed to the cell and tried to act gruff "I was just telling this dirty lowlife what I think of him!"

"Well, you'll have to do that later. He's coming with us." the guard said.

"Why?" Sokka asked.

The female guard responded, irritated "Because we have orders straight from the warden, that's why!"

"Could I just get ten more seconds to rough him up a bit?" Sokka asked, punching his palm with his fist.

"Fine, ten seconds." the female guard said. Sokka entered the cell and began to rough up Zuko.

"Take that... and this!" Sokka shouted, punching noises were coming from the cell. But in fact, he was only punching the mattress which Zuko held up, the two faking the entire scenario. Zuko shouted a few times in mock pain "We have a new plan, but it's gonna need a big distraction. Be in the yard in one hour."

A sliver light appeared as the cell door was opened. Sokka suddenly grabbed Zuko and began to wrestle him to look convincing as the two guards enter. Male guard separated the two "All right, that's enough."

Zuko was escorted out of the cell by the guards while Sokka remained behind "What are you doing? Where are you taking me?" Zuko asked, he was thrown into a chair in an interrogation room "I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Come on, Zuko. We all know that's a lie."

Zuko looked to the source of the voice "Mai!" he said, he was shocked "How did you know I was here?"

"Because I know you so well." Mai said.

"But, how---"

"The warden's my uncle, you idiot." Mai said. Zuko sighed, then she showed him a letter "The truth is, I guess I don't know you. All I get is a letter? You could have least looked me in the eye when you ripped out my heart."

"I didn't mean to---" Zuko began but he was interrupted, again.

"You didn't mean to?" Mai asked, sarcastically and read the letter "Dear Mai, I'm sorry that you have to find out this way, but I'm leaving."

"Stop! This isn't about you. This is about the Fire Nation!" Zuko said.

"Thanks, Zuko, that makes me feel all better." Mai said and threw the letter at him.

Zuko stood up "Mai, I never wanted to hurt you. But I have to do this to save my country."

"Save it?" Mai asked "You're betraying your country!"

"That's not how I see it." Zuko said.

Mai took a deep breath and ignored Zuko "How long you are going to pretend that you are not here? I'm sure you liked the show." she said, her voice full of hatred.

"We are not alone?" Zuko asked. His eyes widened as Yoko stepped out from the shadows.

"I'm not commenting about that." Yoko said, her voice cold.

Mai turned to Zuko "I knew that you didn't bother to tell me when you were leaving because you knew she was with the Avatar!" she shouted "You didn't care about me, did you?"

LOST (Avatar The Last Airbender Fanfiction) (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now