Breaking the Unbreakable #2

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The time is between B3CH8 – The Puppetmaster and B3CH9 – Nightmares and Daydreams

"So now that we have a very skilled firebender in the Team," Sokka said "Finding Aang a firebender teacher would no longer be a problem."

Yoko bit her lower lip, she was afraid that they would say that "No, Sokka, it still is a problem."

"Why? Don't you want to help us defeat the Fire Lord?" Sokka asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I do," she said then looked at her feet "But I cannot teach Aang firebending."

"Why?" he insisted.

"Sokka, please, don't insist." Yoko said "I just---"


She looked into his eyes, anger raising inside her "BECAUSE I FUCKING LOST IT!" she roared, making Aang leap up and the other girls look at her. She took a deep breath "I've lost my inner fire."

"Is this possible?" Katara asked. Yoko nodded.

"My firebending power was coming from my love towards Zuko, not from anger and hatred unlike many others." she said "When I was eleven, it just weakened but turned back to normal when I joined the academy. But this time, it is gone. I can't firebend."

"Because this time you've lost him for good." Katara said. Yoko nodded, stood up and walked towards Aang. She put her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Aang. The only thing I can teach you is fighting but I don't think you would want that." she said. Aang nodded.

"It's no problem, Yoko. Don't make yourself upset." he said, smiling softly.

Yoko smiled him back but turned to Sokka when he spoke "I remember that you used a katana, right?"

Yoko nodded "Yeah, I do."

"Well, if you don't mind, I want to train with you," he said and took out a sword "WITH MY SPACE SWORD!"

Toph smirked, Katara rolled her eyes.

Yoko winked at him "Of course, but I must warn you, you'll come to Katara, crying, after I kick your ass badly."

"Oh, she would do that." Toph said.

"By the way, I need to go to the town tomorrow, I need to buy some things." Yoko said.

"You'll come with me and Aang, we have to buy some food." Katara said. Yoko nodded, then walked to the sea side, away from the others. She sat on the sand and closed her eyes. This place reminded her of Ember Island. The days when they were all happy...

"You loved him so much, didn't you?"

She opened her eyes and saw Katara, sitting near her "I still do." she said, her voice lower than a whisper.

"I see he had broken you so much, it is something that can never be recovered," Katara said.

"I know I have fallen into too much sin but this punishment is far above my crime," she said, her voice weak "I'd rather die."

"Don't talk like that."

"But that's the truth, Katara." Yoko said "But I know that his memories about me still haunts him. Mai said that Zuko was wandering my name when they were doing... you know. She forgot that I had strong ears."

"Well," Katara said "That's both good and bad."

"I think the same." she said and took a deep breath "I don't think I'll never be the same girl again. That caring girl is long gone."

LOST (Avatar The Last Airbender Fanfiction) (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now