Flames from the Past #2

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Zuko: 9

Azula: 8

Yoko: 8

"How do you hold this?" Zuko asked and frowned at Yoko "Don't laugh."

"But you look so funny." she said as she walked to him "Right handed or left handed?"

"Right handed." Zuko answered.

"Then you should hold the bow with your left and the string with your right hand." Yoko said and took her bow, held it "See, like this."

Zuko changed his hold. Yoko nodded "Now, point the bow towards the ground and place the shaft of the arrow on the arrow rest." she said as she demonstrated it. She continued when Zuko did it "Attach the back of the arrow to the bow string with the nock. Wow, you're going well."

Zuko grinned "I'm talented."

"We'll see that." Yoko said "Held your index finger above the arrow and your middle and ring fingers below."

Zuko tried but ended up failing. Yoko giggled and put down her arrow. She put his fingers in right position "Now hold the bow arm outwards toward the target. Your inner elbow should be parallel to the ground and the bow should always stay vertical. You should be able to look straight down the spine of the arrow."

"Can you do that too?" Zuko asked "I'm starting to get confused."

"I wasn't expecting you to succeed at your first try. No one can." she said and helped him "Draw the string hand towards the face to an anchor point. The anchor is usually somewhere around the chin, cheek, ear or the corner of the mouth. I cannot help you with that."

"No problem, I think I have done it."

"Good. Now you need to aim." Yoko said. Zuko squinted "Release the arrow by relaxing the fingers of your string hand. Once the arrow has left for its target, move your draw hand back and finish the shoulder rotation."

Zuko released the arrow, it flew half of the way and landed. Zuko frowned "Nice try. I couldn't make the arrow leave properly at my first." she said and took her bow, placed the arrow and released it. The arrow hit the nail on the head.

"I'm better with daggers, that's for sure." Zuko said and put down the bow, took out his dagger.

"I am good at throwing them but that's all." Yoko said as she took Zuko's dagger and threw it to an apple on the tree's branches. The dagger hit the apple and made it chuck down. Zuko took out the dagger from the apple.

"I have brought you some noodles."

They both turned back and saw Yoko's mother Hiyori "Thanks mom." Yoko said and took the bowl in her left hand.

"Thank you." Zuko said and took the other bowl.

"Bon appetite." Hiyori said and walked away. They sat on the grass and started to eat.

"Your mother seems like a nice woman." Zuko said.

"She kinda is." Yoko said "I love my parents but I've no friends because of them. I mean, I had no friends."


"They are very strict about everything. Mom is less strict than dad, though." she said "All they think about is my future. To have a good job, be a noble person, marry a rich man... I am too young to think about these. And they want me to be friend only the royal section. They want me to be like a girly girl but I am not and that's the problem."

"To be honest, I can't imagine you in a fancy dress." Zuko said "You fit with pants."

"Because I like pants." Yoko said "Those girls from the school may have a point when they call me boy but the thing is that hurts."

LOST (Avatar The Last Airbender Fanfiction) (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now