Being Hunted By the Past #1

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Again, imagine the girl in the media more Shinju-ish

The time is between B1CH15 – Bato of the Water Tribe and B1CH18 – The Waterbending Master

"OUT OF MY WAY!" Shinju shouted as she ran past Zuko. When she reached the deck she leaned to the ocean and vomited. She ran to the bathroom after she vomited everything she had in her stomach. After she gargled, she went to the kitchen. Iroh and Zuko were there.

"What's wrong with you?" Zuko asked.

Shinju looked at her boots "I have seasickness and my medicine has ran out. I thought I had enough but seems like I didn't have."

Zuko was looking at her wide eyed "You have WHAT?!" he said "And yet you came here!"

"I love being on the water!" she responded and turned to Iroh "General Iroh, can you make a medicine for me?"

"Uncle," he said.

Shinju was confused "Pardon me?"

"It's Uncle, not General Iroh." Iroh said "Now, repeat your request, please."

She smiled warmly at him "Uncle, can you make a medicine for me?"

Iroh returned Shinju her smile "Of course I can. Just try not to vomit."

"You have to be quick."

Five minutes later, Iroh came with the medicine and gave it to Shinju. She drank it and Iroh showed her how to make it. Now, they were training on the deck. It was Shinju's turn. She took out her katana "Anyone good at using swords?" she asked but there was no response. She looked at Zuko "No one? Really? I thought there would be someone who can use swords. Or you are too afraid to challenge me?"

The last part stroke the right note and Zuko jumped to his feet. Shinju grinned and gave him a katana "Let's see how good you are." Zuko said as he attacked. Shinju rolled and escaped from the attack. She jumped to her feet and made a movement. Zuko used his katana to block it and their katanas got locked. Shinju kicked Zuko from his stomach. He was out of air as he stepped backwards. Shinju licked her lower lip as she attacked.

Zuko parried her attack and made a movement towards her. She somersaulted in the air and landed behind Zuko. He was late for turning back so she kicked him from behind his knees. He fell to his knees and a drop of sweat fell from his forehead as he felt Shinju's katana on the back of his neck. She put her katana down and offered her hand to him. First, Zuko refused but then he took her hand to stand up.

"You're quite good at this," Shinju said as she took her katana from Zuko, putting them into her black bag "I would like to help you master sword-craft."

Zuko thought for a while. He didn't like admitting it but he had a lot to learn from Shinju. About firebending, hand-to-hand combat, sword-craft... He was lucky to have someone like her around so it was better to use that luck "And I would like you to teach me your techniques." Zuko said as he bowed. When he straightened, he looked at Iroh. He gave him an approving look. Zuko nodded and went to the bathhouse. He had sweated a lot. When he got in the hot water, he closed his eyes and tried to relax but he opened his eyes in a hurry as he saw her face in his mind.

No... Not again...

She was hunting him since the day she left. He had nightmares for months and when he thought that they have finally stopped, when he thought she was gone forever, everything came back. He started to see their past memories in his dreams. But the new thing was, he was seeing what they could have been in his dreams.

I hate missing her.

I hate myself because I couldn't forget her.

Sometimes, in the dead of night, he was afraid to close his eyes. He didn't want to see her face, nor dream about her. He hated the feeling they brought. It made him feel weak.

LOST (Avatar The Last Airbender Fanfiction) (Zuko x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن