B2CH4 - The Swamp & B2CH5 - Avatar Day

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They rode the ostrich horse all day. They didn't stop to sleep, they slept when they were on it. They were changing the roles. At the moment, Shinju was riding it. Zuko was after her, he had wrapped his arms around her waist and put his head on her shoulder, sleeping. She couldn't help but admire him right now. He looked so innocent and handsome. She smiled softly, then turned back, facing the road.

Ah, the endless roads.

It was dusk when they finally stopped. Iroh was cooking the vegetables Song's mother had given to them. Shinju was sitting on the ground, her back facing Zuko and Iroh. Zuko looked at her, his eyes sad. They haven't spoken a word since their fight and he was feeling guilty. Very, very guilty.

Shinju closed her eyes. She was still confused. Every time she closed her eyes, she was seeing their kiss. Maybe I overreacted but I do not regret what I have done last night. I do not regret my behaviour against Song. I do not regret running away from Zuko. But what if I have hurt him? I'm afraid of that...


She opened her eyes and saw Zuko, standing in front of her "Hey."

"Stars are so nice, aren't they? Just like the night we danced on the deck." Zuko said and offered her his hand "Do you want to remember that night?"

Shinju nodded, she was slightly blushed. She took his hand and he helped her getting her feet. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist. They started to sway around.

"Well... I'm sorry about last night." Zuko said silently "I shouldn't have said that to you."

"Apology accepted." Shinju said "And... I'm sorry if I did hurt you last night. You know, by running away."

"No, you didn't." Zuko said and took a deep breath "I have no idea why did I do it."

"Did you mean you liked me when you said I distracted you?" Shinju asked, scared to hear his answer.

Zuko kept silent for a moment "I... I don't know." he spoke finally "You remind me of my very first love and that distracts and confuses me."

Shinju smiled softly "I see you still love her."

Zuko was blushed "N... No... I don't!"

"Liar." Shinju said "If you have long forgot her then this situation wouldn't be that confusing for you."

"But it's not the only reason." he said silently "My feelings for you are just so mixed that I can't even decide what is what."

"I see that I confuse you a lot." Shinju muttered as she rested her head on his chest.

"Yeah, you do unfortunately." Zuko said "Well, what about you and your weird reaction when I... You know."

She didn't want to answer that question. She just didn't "I... It's been a great while since the last time I've felt something like that." she said but couldn't continue "Please, don't force me."

"Okay, I'm not forcing you." Zuko whispered in her ear.

"So, we're friends, right?" Shinju asked.

Zuko smiled "Yes, we are."

"Good." she said, she sounded relieved.

"Dinner is ready!" Iroh cheered and made the two leap up. Soon, he realised he had interrupted a romantic moment.


Zuko, Iroh and Shinju were sitting on straw mats, their stolen ostrich horse lying behind them. A cart with masks passed, and a pedestrian walked in front of Iroh. Iroh held his hat out to the pedestrian "Spare coins for weary travellers?" Iroh asked.

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