B3CH14 - The Boiling Rock #1

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Media is so cute omfg

"So, now you're together again?" Katara asked. They were eating dinner around the campfire.

"Yes," Yoko said and looked at Zuko who was smiling at her. She held his hand and interlocked her fingers to his "Finally."

"Please just don't snog all the time," Sokka said "Go find yourselves a room for that."

"Oh, thank you for mentioning that," Yoko said and turned to Aang "I want to move to Zuko's room. Can you carry my bed with airbending?"

He nodded "Of course."

"I love seeing you happy, Half Avatar." Toph said, then she pointed her index finger to Zuko "And if you do anything to harm her, I will not show you mercy."

Zuko wrapped his right arm around Yoko's waist "I won't, don't worry. She's my everything." he said. Yoko giggled.

"Aren't you going to make tea for us, Ponytail Prince?" Yoko said.

"Oh, right," he said and stood up, going inside the temple. Soon he came back, carrying a tray full of tea cups "No one can make tea like Uncle," he said as he handed them their cups, he took his and sat down next to Yoko "But hopefully I learned a thing or two. Would you like to hear Uncle's favourite tea joke?"

"Sure." Katara responded.

"I like jokes." Aang added.

"Bring it!" Toph had the last word.

"Okay. Well, I can't remember how it starts, but the punch line is Leaf me alone, I'm bushed!" he said. No response "Well, it's funnier when Uncle tells it."

"Right... maybe that's because he remembers the whole thing." Katara said. Everyone else laughed, Zuko smiled a little.

"It's nice to get a chance to relax. It hardly ever happens." Toph said. Yoko nodded.

"Exactly, Green Eyes."

Sokka approached Zuko "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" he asked. Zuko nodded, he and Sokka walked away from where the rest of the group was gathered.

"So, what's up?" Zuko asked. Appa woke up and looked as they walked past him.

"If someone was captured by the Fire Nation, where would they be taken?" Sokka asked.

"What do you mean? Who was captured?" Zuko asked.

"When the invasion plan failed, some of our troops were taken. I just want to know where they might be." Sokka explained.

"I can't tell you."

"What? Why not?"

"Trust me. Knowing would just make you feel worse." Zuko said and turned to leave, but was stopped by Sokka.

"It's my dad. He was captured, too. I need to know what I put him through." Sokka said, his voice low.

"It's not good, Sokka." Zuko said.


"My guess is, they were taken to the Boiling Rock." Zuko said.

"What's that?" Sokka asked.
"The highest security prison in the Fire Nation." Zuko explained. Sokka looked at him, he was absolutely horrified "It's on an island in the middle of a boiling lake. It's inescapable."

"So, where is this place?"
"Why do you need to know? What are you planning?"

"Nothing." Sokka said, then paused for a moment "Boy, you're so paranoid."

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