I Will Never Fogive Myself

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Ember pov.
  I awake in an unfamiliar place but the person who's holding me is far from unfamiliar. Not moving I carefully listen to the patterns of Carl's breathing. I'm guessing it's early because the sun peaking through the curtains is faint. Also I can't hear any of the rather rambunctious Gallaghers. On this particular morning thoughts of my mother fill my tired mind. I'm not even sure where they came from until I remember today's the day Carl's meeting my family. This makes me think about Carl meeting my mom. Not only meeting my mom but my old family. My old family; who everyone was before her death. A time before my brother didn't have to sleep with every girl he meant to fill a bottomless void. A time when Bailee and I were best friends and she didn't shut everyone out with a simple pair of ear buds. A time before Hunter started getting into trouble. A time before Ella asked where's mommy. A time where my life was in order. I was in order. I was a good girl. I was sweet Ember Williams. Now I was someone I didn't recognize. So even though I shut the idea of my mother's death out for so long maybe it was time to finally let it in. I never believed her death changed me but I also never realized that I had changed. So what would my mom think of Carl Gallagher? Well at first I think she would disapprove but like us all I think eventually she would learn to love him. What would my dad think? This thought brings me back down an even more deadly path than my mother's death. I think my dad would like Carl. Just like me even upon first glance he would see through the tough, stubborn exterior to the innocent, kind Carl that I love. The Carl that really does care. The Carl that gets hurt. The Carl that loves me with everything he has. He would love Carl for taking care of me in the way I need it most. My dad just got me. He would know that even though with all the love I had from Tara and my siblings that I needed something deeper. I needed Carl. With all these thoughts racing through my head I start to cry. I tried to keep quite but knew I wasn't being when the arms wrapped around me squeezed my body close.

"Hey baby girl what's wrong?", a groggy voice asked concerned.

"I-I need you Carl.",is all I can manage to say through the tears.

"Im right here Ember.", he says stroking my hair. "I love you baby and I'll always be here."

"I love you too.", I say still in tears.

I flip over to face Carl. God I can't believe that just happened way to ruin my badass reputation. Ok I'm really badass but I like to think so.

"You can go back to sleep.", I tell Carl as the tears start to slow.

"No I'd rather be with you.", he says smiling.

"You'd rather be with a girl sobbing about her dad dead than be sleeping?", I ask him.

"No I'd rather be with the sobbing girl I'm in love with than sleeping .", he tells me as his smile widens.

"You're a good guy, Gallagher.", I tell him smiling. "I hope you know that."

"I wasn't until you came along.", he says

"Yay you were but you didn't show it."

"That's not true. I did bad shit like really bad shit. I still do bad stuff."

"And that's why I love you.", I say now a smile replacing the tears.

"Because I'm a badass?", he asks.

I nod.

"Well I love you because you're the complete opposite.", he says smirking."you keep me in line Ember."

"Yay but I'm a badass. Remember I kicked Holly's ass?"

"Yeah you're a badass. But unlike me you're not a stupid badass. You don't find someone perfect and then sleep with someone who's a terrible person.", he tells me biting his lip.

"Carl that was stupid but it's over. I forgave you.", I reply.

"Ember, you may have forgave me but I will never forgive myself.", he says not smiling anymore.

Hello everyone, I'm back! So a few things... 1 I promise next chapter Carl will meet aunt Tara 2 I know I said Debs was pregnant but I probably won't talk about it much again just a disclaimer 3 I kinda wrote this chapter a little differently so tell me what you think.
And we're at 173 reads like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!!!!! Thanks so much I love you guys! Love ya❤️❤️❤️

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