She's Mine

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  I wake up to my phone alarm blaring Taylor Swift. I quickly grab it off my nightstand and shut the alarm off. I sit up and remember last night. I smile remembering Carl's warm lips on mine. That was my first kiss. I know you might think it's lame that I haven't kissed anyone until I was thirteen but I'm glad I waited until Carl. I get out of my bed and walk to the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I first put on foundation then powder then mascara and then Chapstick. I pull my hair out of the loose messy bun and brush my long brown hair out. I walk out the bathroom and pick out an outfit. I put on a maroon t-shirt, skinny jeans, and white and black Nikes. I pack up my backpack and with my phone in hand I walk downstairs. Everybody is rushing around trying to get there shit together. I set my stuff on the table and grab a yogurt out of the fridge. I sit down and eat and I text Carl.

C:good morning baby
Em:good morning Carl
C:wanna skip school?
Em:yay but I can't
C:why not
Em:I have a German quiz
C:you suck
Em:Ik I promise we'll do something fun this weekend
C:oh I know something really fun😉
Em: fuck you
C:that's exactly what I was thinking!
Em: not like that😒
C:yay ok

I get up and throw my trash away. I grab my shit and walk over to Carl's. I knock on the door and a women answers who I assume is Fiona.

"Carl, Ember's here!", Fiona yells as she lets me in.

"How do you know who I am?", I ask as I sit down on the couch.

"Carl talked about you all last night.", she says taking a seat in a chair near the couch.

"He did?", I ask truly surprised.

"Yay he talked about how you kicked Holly's ass, how your really smart, and how you play lacrosse.", she says taking a sip of the coffee in her hands.

"Are you talking about me?", a deep voice asks from behind us.

I turn around to see Carl standing there looking really cute. He's wearing khakis, a black t-shirt, and white vans.

"yep we were.", Fiona says.

"Cmon lets go.", he says motion for us to leave.

"Ok bye Fiona.", I say waving to her as we walk out the front door.

Carl grabs my hand as we start walking. It makes me smile thinking about us together.

"Do we really have to go?", Carl asks with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes Carl.", I say giving him that look.

He rolls his eyes at me. When we finally reach the school everybody stares at us as we walk in.
Carl shifts from holding my hand to his arm firmly wrapped around my shoulder. We both have huge smiles plastered on our faces as we move through the hallway. I can feel lots of eyes staring at us but frankly I really couldn't give less of shit about what people think.

*time jump*

I sit down at lunch next to Carl. All of my new friends our just staring at us.

"What?", I ask them.

"Well first of all you did exactly what we told you not to do, stay away from Carl Gallagher.", Ellie spits at us.

"I'm just irresistible.", Carl says smirking.

I laugh at him and look into his beautiful eyes.

"Dude your so whipped.", Marcus says. (He's the blonde one)

"How could you not be she's smokin hot.", Sebastian chimes in (he was the "other kid")

"Back off she's mine.", Carl says defensively.

Eventually the banter ends and so does lunch. Social studies is boring but at least Carl's there. I think I did pretty good on my German quiz and I got to see Debs which was nice.

*time jump*

Carl and I are snuggled under a blanket on his couch. We're watching a horror movie and I hate scary movies. I know everyone thinks I'm a badass but when it comes to scary movies I'm a huge pussy.

"Your shaking Ember.", Carl says looking down at me.

"Carl I'm terrified of horror movies!", I blurt out.

"Ember the schools bad ass babe is scared of horror movies?", he asks in a stupid voice because he knows it'll annoy me.

"Yes I'll never be able to go to sleep. I'll have to sleep with all the lights on and a frying pan!", I yell at him.

"Then I guess you'll just have to sleep here.", he says smirking at me.

Hey guys! Ik this chapter was kinda boring and I'm sorry but I was suffering from serious writers block. Don't worry the next chapters will be a lot more interesting. Thanks for reading! I love you guys so so much! 😉❤️💩

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