Hey Baby Girl

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I walk into the lunch room with some new girls I met in my classes. Their names are Paige and Ellie. They seem pretty nice and there not too popular which is what I like. We walk through a crowded lunch room to a round table with a good mix of guys and girls. The guys aren't bad looking. One of them with short brown hair gets my attention. Once we approach the guys start going crazy.

"Look it's the girl who kicked Holly's ass!",a blonde one says and points to me as we sit down.

"She's hot too.", another one says.

"Watch it or she'll kick you ass too.", Ellie snaps.

I smile at them and start eating. I look at the brown haired kid and he's staring at me. I take in his features. I should really stop staring but I can't look away.

"Carl your practically drooling.", the blond haired kid says looking over at our "staring contest".

"Yay so is Ember.", Paige chimes in.

Everybody laughs except obviously Carl and I. Carl, that's a hot name. I think to myself.

"Stay away from Carl he'll fuck you up.", Ellie says taking a sip of water.

"Will not.", he says defensively.

"Yay ok.", Paige says sarcastically.

  Soon the bell rings and I say goodbye to Paige and Ellie knowing I'll have to endure the next class alone. I walk to my locker and put my lunch box in it and grab my stuff for Social Studies. I walk into the class room and look around. The seats are set in pairs of two. Oh great I don't know anyone in this class. I think to myself. I pick out two empty seats in the back and watch people file in. Absolutely no one looks interesting in sitting next to me. Finally I spot Carl and to my surprise he comes and sits by me even though there's still empty seats.

"Hey baby girl.", he says sitting down.

I laugh at the nickname he gave me and say "hey Carl."

The teacher starts taking attendance. She doesn't even acknowledge that I'm the new kid which makes me happy. I don't think anyone's thinking of me as the new kid just the girl who beat Holly up. Come to think of it I haven't seen the bitches all day. I'm guessing they're in an older grade. Next the teacher puts notes on the board and everybody starts to copy them down except Carl.

"Carl,will you be taking notes or just observing?",the teacher asks annoyed.

"Just observing babe.", he says smiling.

The teacher rolls her eyes. He's suck a fuck boy but it's so hot, I think to myself. After a while of taking notes and Carl and I making faces at each other the bell finally rings. I get up and gather my things. Carl taps me on the shoulder and hands my of a little piece of torn paper.

"Text me if you need anything.",he tells me and winks.

I laugh and we leave the class. I go to my locker and grab my stuff for the next period and my backpack since it's the last period of the day.
I walk to German and find a seat next to a red haired girl.

"Hi I'm Debbie.", the girl says friendly.

"I'm Ember.", I say.

"Cool name.", she says smiling.

"Thanks.", I reply.

I'm glad she doesn't know I'm the one who beat up Holly. I feel like people are scared of me because of it.

"Are you new?", she asks.

I nod. The teacher then starts to talk. The class is just more boring note taking but at least I made a new friend. Finally the final bell rings dismissing us.

"Are you my new neighbor?", Debbie blurts out as we exit the school.

"What?", I ask confused.

"There's some new people that moved down the street from me and it just clicked that it might be your family.", she explained.

We realize that we are neighbors and decide to walk home together. I call Tara and tell her where I'm going. We reach a small house with a fence around the yard that's a few houses away from my own.

"This is home.", Debbie says as she unlocks the front door.

"No ones home yet though.", she explains as we take a seat on the comfy couch.

"What's your siblings like?", I ask curious to take a peak into her life.

"Well my older sister Fiona takes care of us all. My mom's out of the picture and my Dad is a drunk. Next comes my brother Phillip, well we call him Lip for short, he's off at college. Then my brother Ian he's always just hanging around with his boyfriend, Mickey. Then there's me. Next there's my brother Carl."

What a coincidence. I think to myself.

"He's a real fuckboy. Not someone you want to hang around.", she continues. Finally there's my brother Liam he's so cute. I think I have a picture of him on my phone, wanna see?"

I nod my head still thinking about the Carl coincidence. She pulls out her phone and faces the screen towards me revealing a cute baby with a familiar boy.

"Wait that's Carl?!", I ask surprised.

She just nods her head.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading. I know it's going slow but I promise shits about to go down!!! Love ya!
~CKG <3

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