We Should Break Up

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I'm laying on my couch watching a movie with Toby when I hear a knock on the door.

"If it's fucking Carl I'm gonna rip his balls off.", Toby says looking over at me.

"No your not. We need to talk so you stay here.", I say to him as I stand up from the couch and head over towards the door.

I open up the door to see Carl standing anxiously fiddling with his grey shirt. I notice a big bruise on his left cheek and I realize I did that.

"Em can we please talk!?", he says looking at me.

"Fine Gallagher.", I say walking on the porch and closing the door.

We sit down on the steps.

"First of all I know I was a complete dick. That was totally out of line. I know I hurt you and I hate myself for it. I'm not going to make excuses for it like I was drunk or she seduced me.", he says but all I can do is look into his beautiful eyes.

"Then why did you do it?", I snap breaking away from staring into his eyes.

"I assumed you just eventually leave me.", he says looking really sad.

"Why would you think that Carl?", I ask worried.

"My last girlfriend, Bonnie, left me. I tried to tell her I was falling in love with her and she got scared off and just left.", he tells me looking at the ground. "You scare me Ember. Literally like last night I thought you were going to kill me. I thought I was gonna kill me. But what really scares me about you is that the first time I looked at you I started to fall in love with you."

"Do you love me Carl?", I ask him seriously.

"I love that you're not afraid to kick my ass. I love you're pretty eyes because in the middle they look like fire. (Her eyes aren't red they're hazel and they look orange around the pupil) I love watching you practice lacrosse in your backyard. I love how you dress and how you smile. I love how I've known you for two days and I would do anything for you.I love everything about you Ember.", he tells me and I have to stop myself from kissing him.

"Carl I think we should break up. I know we should break up.",I tell him honestly.

He looks at me like I just told him his sister died.

"But I can't break up with you because I'm in love with you too. And what scares me is that I'm forgiving you for this and I'm realizing that I would probably forgive you for anything.", I tell him truthfully.

Then he leans in and kisses me. It's long and passionate and it feels like we're in a movie.

Can we just talk about how we're at 76 reads?! Like wtf?!

Fighting Back/ Carl GallagherМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя