Chapter 14; I love you...

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"Oh Keevie, dear!" My father calls evilly as he approached me. Whimpering, I scramble back, "Stay away from me!" He just starts laughing, banishing the knife at me. "Please!" I begged.

My back hits the wall and I cower as the knife stabs the wall by my head. "You're not going anywhere, bitch!" He screams, stabbing the knife into my thigh next. A loud scream is ripped from my throat at the pain.

My fingers press against the wound, immediately covered by the blood pouring out. "Oh God!" I sobbed. My father yanks me up and slams me against the wall, his hand at my throat.

I was gasping for breath, pulling frantically at his hand. Eventually, he dropped me and backed up. His foot reared back before ramming into my gut. I cry out again.

My father continues to beat me, bringing out the bat occasionally. Suddenly, another guy appears, my father's friend, George. He sneers down at me, "Hello, little Keeva." I shiver, my hand covering the stab wound. "We have a little surprise for you today."

When I see George's hand going to his belt, I jumped to my feet, limping to the door as fast as I could. But suddenly I went flying and landed hard on the floor with George on top of me. Tears were streaming harshly down my cheeks as I sobbed.

I couldn't move as he proceeded to slip my jeans off. "Please.." I kept begging and trying to buck him off but my leg was going numb from blood lost and my vision was going hazy. Than he did it. The pain was unbearable.

I screamed loudly until my voice was raw, sobbing hysterically until I passed out. I finally woke again in time to see George redoing his belt and walking away, leaving me on the floor in a bloody mess.


"Damnit, Keeva, wake up!" Voices cut through my hysterical sobbing and I shoot up from my bed with a start. My eyes open to see everyone crowded around my bed with worried faces.

Ryder was the one that had yelled and he was hovering over me, frustration obvious on his face. "Princess?" He growls, kneeling beside me on the bed. I throws myself into his arms, sobbing even harder, "Ryder!"

Taken by surprise at my sudden attack, Ryder lands backwards on the bed with me clinging to him. "Calm down!" He orders as I thrash around in his arms, my vision blurring as the memories of the rape filled my head.

Ryder flips us over so I was pinned down to the mattress underneath him, "Keeva!" He yells. "RYDER, MAKE IT STOP!" I screamed. He starts singing, "I'm stretching but you're just out of reach. You should know, I'm ready when you're ready for me."

My tears calmed a bit and my struggling slowed as his voice cuts through the haze. "Keep going, Ryder, it's helping," Carlisle says.

"And I'm waiting for the right time. For the day I catch your eye. To let you know that I'm yours to hold." Ryder sings softly into my ear. My breath evens out finally out and I managed to get my tears under control.

"Keeva, talk to me, princess. Give me something so I know you're okay," Ryder pleads

" Every single day, I find it hard to say. I could be yours alone." My voice came out hoarse as I sang the next part back at Ryder. My eyes open and I see Ryder's relieved face. "I'm okay," I whisper.

Ryder leans back, his eyes and face blank. His jaw was very slightly clenched and I could see his shoulders tensing up. I push myself slowly up and lean my back against my headboard. Everyone else were watching me wearily.

"Keeva, what happened?" Ryder asks tiredly, stressfully running a hand through his hair. I bit down on my bottom lip, "Nightmare," I mutter. He stands up and is suddenly shoving everyone out of my room, "Everyone out!" He commands.

Nobody got the chance to respond before he slams the door. "Ryder?" I croak, my voice still a bit scratchy. Ryder was leaning against the door with his forearm pressed against it. His head was resting against his forearm with his eyes closed, "What was the nightmare about?"

I bit my lip, bringing my knees up to my chest, "T-the r-rape," I stuttered, my voice breaking. Ryder tenses up, his eyes opening, "You were reliving it?" I nodded when he turns his golden eyes onto me.

I could tell he was exhausted by the way he leant against the door for support. "Ryder," I murmur softly, all my worries fading. "Come here." I beckon him. He lifts his head to stare at me.

He sighs when I plead at him again and comes back over to the bed. I immediately pull him down beside. "Sleep, Ryder," I whisper, throwing my arm over his waist. I feel his lips brush my forehead before he moves us over so I was laying with my back to him.

His chest pressed against me while his body curls protectively around me. Ryder's arm was stretched under my pillow while his other was clamped possessively over my waist.

My eyes drift close and I snuggle deeper into his arms. "Ryder, it's okay," I whispered when I feel him tensing every few seconds at almost any sound. "He hurt you, Keeva. Someone raped you, princess, and I can't take your pain away," he growls, his voice tight with pain. My heart called out to him, yearning to end his own pain.

"Just go to sleep. We can talk in the morning," I soothe, brushing my fingers along his hand that was clamped over my waist. Ryder nuzzles my neck, inhaling softly, "Please don't leave me," he pleads brokenly. Tears prink my eyes again and I turn my head to look into his pained golden eyes, "I wouldn't think of it. I'll be right here until you wake, Ryder," I whisper, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

When he just continues laying there, staring at me, I sighed and sat up. Sitting beside him, I started stroking his messy hair away from his face. His golden eyes peer up at me but I ignore them, "Don't worry... just close your eyes... don't hurry... just shut out their lies," I sang quietly.

"I'm right here... please don't fear... go to sleep... don't you speak," my voice was quiet and soft as I sang to him. I could see his eyes drooping and hear his breath evening out. "Don't cry.. don't shed a tear.. here's your lullaby.. I love you, my dear," finally, Ryder fell to sleep and I let out a soft sigh.

"You're be alright, Ryder," I whisper, moving back down beside him. My arm goes around his waist and I rested my head on his chest, taking in the rhythm of his steady heartbeat.

"I love you, Ryder." I mumble, even though he couldn't and wouldn't hear me. It's only been two months but somehow I was falling in love with him. I'm just scared he'll push me away or won't feel the same way. I don't want to lose him. I can't lose him.

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