Chapter 33: You're lying!

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"Motherfucking hell!" I yelled, squeezing my other hand into a fist as Ryder proceeds to pull the glass from my other. He looks at me, "Sorry, baby," he apologizes, halfway sober. I kept cussing my way through the rest of it, watching as Ryder winces with every painful cry of mine.

Finally, he was done and he hatefully tosses the glass and paper towels into the trash. "There, all done, princess," he says goofily, planting a sloppy kiss on my hand making me chuckle. Ryder was still partly drunk so he was acting stranger than usual.

I follow him into the living room, watching as he starts cleaning up. Occasionally, he would stop and come over to me on the couch to plant a kiss on my cheek, forehead, or lips, muttering 'i love you' every single time.

Eventually, he got the room cleared up and comes back over to me. Flopping down onto the couch, Ryder lays his head in my lap, making me chuckle again. "Princess?" He says. I smiled, "Yes, Ryder?" Another goofy grin takes over his lap, "I love you," he tells me.

"I know," I said, combing a hand through his hair. His golden eyes closed, "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier," he whispers. "It's okay, you're always a wild drunk," I murmur. Ryder hums, "You're too forgivable, princess," he says, yawning.

I bit my lip, tracing my hand along his face, "Why did you even drink?" I ask quietly. "I was angry," he mumbled, "And I wanted to forget how fucked up me and my life was for a little while."

I stay silent after that, watching Ryder as he slowly relaxes as I kept combing my fingers through his hair. When I heard his breath start evening out, I let out a soft sigh. Ryder's words from earlier echoed in my head.

I'm sick of this shit!"

When he had said those words, I almost started panicking because I thought he was planning on leaving me. Than he started yelling the other words.

"I'm having to constantly watch what I do because you get scared so easily!"

"You're so beautiful and you deserve better, so much better! You didn't deserve to be beaten until your scared of your own shadow!"

Exhaustion takes over my body and I drop into sleep.


"Keeva, wake up, sweetie," someone coos in my ear, shaking my shoulder lightly. Groaning, I shift and roll my stiff neck, "What?" I mumble, blinking the sleep from my eyes. Ayato hovered over me as he leans over the back of the couch.

"What are you guys doing down here?" He asks, nodding towards Ryder who was still asleep in the couch with his head also still in my lap. I rubbed my eyes, "I'll explain in a minute. First go get some water and pain reliever," I glanced down at Ryder, "Ryder is going to need it when he wakes up. And I want ice cream."

Ayato nods, scurrying into the kitchen to get it. Moments later, he comes back and sets it on the table. "Now explain," he orders, handing me a pint carton of vanilla ice cream. I sighed, shoveling a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

"Ryder came home around one, drunk," I said, "He yelled some shit, broke more shit, than apologized for some more shit." Ayato looked like he was fighting a smile but failed, "Let me guess, your mood is more shit too." I shrugged, shoving another ice cream spoonful into my mouth.

"Depends on Ryder's mood when he wakes up," I answered. "And why is that, princess?" I hear Ryder murmur sleepily. Blushing, I looked down at him. Ryder struggled to sit up, groaning as I helped him do so. Immediately, he takes the pills I offered and leans back into the couch with his eyes squeezed shut.

"What the fuck happened?" He groans. I sighed, "You came home drunk," I whisper quietly. He pries his eyes open to stare at me, "Did I hurt you?" I shook my head swiftly to reassure him. Immediately, Ryder lets out another groan, "What did I do?"

Biting my lip shyly, I answered, "You just said a few rash words and broke a vase and beer bottle." If he didn't have a enormous headache, he would probably be glaring at me right now. "You're lying," he spits out harshly. I sighed, standing up to walk around the couch.

My fingers lightly massage his head, "You need to lie down. I'll tell you when you don't have a hangover," I whispered. Ryder didn't fight me, instead relaxing into my touch, "I love you, baby," he murmurs. I smiled softly, repeating my words from last night, "I know."

Eventually, Ryder went upstairs to rest and I stayed downstairs to change the bandage on my hand. Ayato came in while I was, asking, "What happened to your hand?" I frowned, "I cut on glass while fighting with Ryder last night," I answer simply.

He gently takes my hand, "He cleaned it up while drunk?"Ayato questions, stunned. I nodded, "He was half sober," I whispered, rewrapping the bandage around it. Ayato just shakes his head and walks away.


"This world will never be what I expected. And if I don't belong, Who would have guessed it. I will not leave alone everything that I own To make you feel like it's not too late. Its never too late," I sung while looking though the fridge.

" Even if I say, It'll be alright. Still I hear you say, you want to end your life," I jumped when Ryder's voice rings out behind me. I smiled, " Now and again we try, to just stay alive. Maybe we'll turn it all around 'cause it's not too late. It's never too late," I sung with him joining along.

Smiling, Ryder tugs the single earbud from my ear and corners me again the fridge and wall. My breath hitches as he leans his forehead against mine, "Hello, princess," he whispers huskily. I gasped when his lips touch the corner of my lips teasingly, "Hey," I gasp out breathlessly.

His golden eyes peer down on me, watching me like a lion watches its prey. "Are you gonna tell me now, Keeva?" He whispers, a warning in his voice to not piss him off which I didn't dare to do in the first place. My teeth clamp down on my bottom lip making Ryder growl, "Keeva," he warns.

I sighed in defeat, "You yelled a little," I stalled. His golden eyes flash with impatience, "Your hand is bandaged, why?" He demanded. I cringed, "I cut my hand on a shard of the vase you broke. It wasn't that deep," I said, lying at the end.

"You're lying, princess," he growled. My shoulders slumped, "Fine, it was pretty deep but I'm fine now. You were upset because of how 'fucked up' your life is," I admitted. Ryder's hand trails down my face to my chin and tilts my head up to look at him. "You're bothered over what happened last night, "He whispers, pain reflecting in his eyes.

"No-" I started to deny until I see the angry glitch in his eyes, "Yes," I confessed, "But don't beat yourself up over what happened, you were drunk." Ryder tilts his head up, jaw clenched, "Your father was drunk and he hurt you. My father was drunk and he hurt my mom," he says harshly. Anger bubbles at the surface as his words process in my mind.

Angrily, I started hitting Ryder's chest, "You are nothing like them!" I shout furiously. "Woah, hey, calm down!" Ryder exclaims, grabbing my wrists and pinning them above my head. I glared at him, "I swear, Ryder! You are so- so-" I let out a frustrated scream, "Infuriating!"

Ryder pins my squirming body to the wall with his own, breathing heavily, "Keeva, calm down!" He ordered. "No!" I hissed at him. His eyes flash with anger and his head suddenly lowers, capturing my lips in a brutal kiss.

And honestly, I didn't give a shit where we were, who was there, or what was happening. Only Ryder mattered.

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