Chapter 6; Not good enough for you

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Chapter 6; Not good enough for you (edited)

Ryder storms over to me, towering over me as he stares angrily at me. "I told you, over and over, not to fucking come here for the rest of the day, and you still come!" He yells, "Do you know what could've happened if I hadn't gotten here in time?!" I drop my head in shame. "I'm sorry, Ryder," I say softly.

Ryder jerks my head up again to look in the eye, "Keeva, I do not mess around, if I say don't go somewhere then don't go!" He scolds gently, anger still visible in his golden eyes. I bit my lip causing his eyes to darken, "I'm sorry. I should've listened, it's just that I needed to clear my head and this place-" Ryder covers my mouth to cut off my ramble.

"Helps you clear your head, yeah I know," He murmurs, stroking his thumb across my cheek where my bruise was. My eyes raise back up to his unreadable ones. "Let's get you back so I can take a look at your bruise better." I smiled sheepishly then, "I can't walk much."

His eyebrows furrow in confusion, "What do you mean?" I pull back from him to gesture to my throbbing ankle. "I hurt it when I fell," I explained. Ryder's jaw clenched again before he wraps one arm around my waist so I could lean on him. "Put your arm over my shoulders," He orders.

I do as I'm told and he starts helping limp back out to the gates. It was a slow journey but we finally made it and that's when Ryder starts complaining, "You're taking forever." he complains quietly. I scowl at him, "Well you're not the one with a sprain ankle." I snap at him. He looks up at the sky, thoughtfully, "You're right. I'm not." I let out a loud yelp when the ground disappears from under my feet as I'm swung into Ryder's arms.

"Put me down, Ryder!" I protest. Ryder shakes his head, smirking, "No, you can't walk and I need to get back as fast as possible, princess." I huff but relax into his arms as he walks the two blocks to our dorm, carrying me bridal style.

"I'm sorry, you know," I mumble, "For not listening to you." Ryder's golden eyes flicker to mine and soften, "It's okay. But this proves one thing." He murmurs. I lifted a eyebrow, "And what's that?" He suddenly grins boyishly, "That you're not a good girl."

As his words sunk in, I couldn't help the giggle that fell from my mouth. Ryder grins again, "I made you laugh!" He says cheerfully making me giggle again. The door to our dorm house opens immediately to reveal Ayato about to leave.

He freezes in place when he sees us. "What happened? Why are you carrying Keeva? Is she hurt?" He fires question after question. Ryder rolls his eyes causing me to hide a smile, "I'll explain in a minute. Could you move? It's not like I got a injured girl in my arms at all." He says sarcastically.

Ayato's eyes bugged out at Ryder still playful grin but immediately moves so he could get through. Ryder carries me to the living room and sets me down on a couch. I flush when his golden eyes meet mine. "Which ankle?" I lifted my right in answer and Ryder gently starts rolling up the sleeve of my pants to show my pale leg.

Everyone suddenly appears with expressions of shock, worry, and concern. "What happened, Ryder?" Mr. Carlisle asks sharply. Ryder doesn't glance up from my body as he answers, "First, someone go get a ice pack." When no one moves, Ryder glances up with a hard expression and cold glare, "Ice pack, now!" He barks and immediately Ayato scrambles to the kitchen. Ryder adverts his eyes back to my ankle and starts rubbing the swollen part.

"Keeva foolishly got in the middle of me and some hooligans." Looking up, he winks at me making me giggle softly. "She tripped as far as I know and the three are unconscious in the back gardens." Ryder explains as Ayato enters with the icepack.

Ayato hands it to him, and Ryder gently presses it to my ankle. At the sudden coldness, I let out a low hiss and my ankle jerks. Ryder firmly steadies it, repressing the ice pack to it. He raises his golden eyes to mine, "Keep it on for a while, princess. You may need crutches to walk unless you wanna stay in bed for the next few days."

With a sigh, I nodded and lean back into the couch. "I'm a idiot, aren't I?" I mused to myself. Ryder grins his boyish grin, "A stubborn, and brave one, yes." I followed my arms against my chest, ignoring the stares the others were giving us, "Brave?"

Golden eyes soften as they gaze into my deep blue, "Yes, Keeva, brave. You know," Ryder says, "Apart from my family, you're the first gi- woman that had the guts to snap, and glare at me let alone even look me in the eye." His voice was gentle and amused as he speaks, "I've faced grown men who were to cowardly to do that. And I'm talking bodybuilder looking grown men."

My heart swelled in my chest at the proud tone I heard in Ryder's voice as he smiles at me. "So yes, princess, you are brave." Ryder had been rubbing my ankle while occasionally moving the icepack around as he talked before he pauses for a moment to meet my eyes. I blush and he leans forward to grasp the back of my head.

My eyes widened as he tilts my head to the side to look at the bruise. His fingers gently brush over it, "It's not too bad. Clark never really could pack a punch." His hand pulls back and once again, he meets my eyes, "Nothing a little makeup can't cover."

Then he suddenly frowns, "But you don't wear make up, do you?" I shook my head, "There was never any point because of the..." I trail off as I thought of my bullying. Ryder nods in understanding, "It's okay. You don't have to say it, I get it."

His golden eyes flicker around my face, "You really don't need it, anyway. You're beautiful without, princess," Ryder murmurs. He was so close that his nose was brushing the tip of mine, I could see the black specks in his golden eyes and feel his breath on my lips.

Someone clears their throat suddenly making us both to snap out heads to the side. I blushed when I see everyone watching us still. "I'll call the infirmary at the school, try to get some crutches for you. And I'll alert the headmaster of the students who did this." Mr. Carlisle assures me.

Ryder straightens up and turns around, "Clark, Jerry, and Marcus." He informs him with a growl in his voice and cold eyes. Mr. Carlisle nods and gestures to me, "Help Keeva upstairs, could you?" Ryder nods and lifts me up in his arms again. I blush again but stay silent. After grabbing the icepack, Ryder carries me upstairs and pushes my door open.

Silently, he sets me gently on my bed. When I laid down, Ryder props my foot up on a pillow and adjusts the icepack on it. After he was finished, he sits beside me and stretches a hand out to stroke my bangs away from my face, "I'm sorry this happened to you, princess," He whispers.

I smiled softly at him, "It's not your fault, Ryder. Thank you for taking care of me and protecting me," I mumble. Ryder chuckles, leaning up and kissing my forehead. "I'll always be here to protect you," he promises softly.

"What did they want with you?" I ask suddenly. Ryder bit his lip and his head tilts up as he decides whether to tell me or not, "They wanted.. to hurt me," He says slowly. I frowned, "Why would they want to hurt you?" Ryder chuckles at my innocent question, "I know you're not naive. I know you've seen dark sides of life." He murmurs, trailing his fingers down my cheek, "I'm not a nice guy, Keeva. People want to hurt me because of who my father is."

I tried to sit up so I could hug him or offer some comfort but Ryder just pushes me back down, "Do not get up, princess. I'm okay," He assures me, his voice still gentle. I sigh and take a hold of his hand. His golden eyes lock with mine as I spoke, "Just because your father is a bad guy or something, doesn't make you a bad guy. It's just a mask." I whisper, "This bad boy facade. I know that you're dangerous and someone who don't want as a enemy but you have a good heart. You're not a bad guy."

A low chuckle comes from Ryder again as he smiles at me, his eyes piercing into me, "But I'm not good enough for you, Keeva."

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