Chapter 2; Don't understand

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Chapter 2: Don't Understand (edited)

My eyes widened at seeing him. He was dressed in black jeans, black T-shirt under a black leather jacket. His brown hair was messier than yesterday and hiding his golden eyes from view. Looking closer, I see his muscles straining against the tight T-shirt.

Blake and Ayato seemed to noticed where I was staring. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ayato smirk knowingly and Blake grin. "Oh, hey Ryder, come over here!" Blake calls. My eyes widened and I flush scarlet. Ryder lifted a eyebrow but pushes off the wall and walks towards us.

His beautiful eyes stay on me the entire time as the wind ruffles his hair just slightly but enough for me to fully see his compelling golden eyes. Ryder was smirking arrogantly and his gaze was cold and hard as it burned into me.

"What is it?" Ryder growls gruffly. Blake grins playfully. "I would think that you'll want to be nice to the new girl and show her pretty face around." Ryder's eyes flicker from me to Blake and back to me quickly.

I blush, lowering my head once again. Peeking up, I see Ryder smirk, "Just because she's a girl, doesn't mean I'm going to be nice to her." Ryder trains his cold brown eyes back on Blake.

His tone was so hard that his words make me flinch making Ryder's golden brown eyes to snap to me instantly. He tilts his head again, eying me up and down, a mischievous glitch enters his eyes causing me to gulp.

"Pretty face?" Ryder says after a moment, making me cautiously looks up at him. His golden brown eyes were on me, "Try beautiful." His words stunned me as a blush spreads along my face and my heart thuds painfully in my chest.

The two boys beside me sniggered as I flushed. Ryder smirks arrogantly at me again before turning and walking away.


"Good morning class," Mr. John calls. I stood in front of my fist class that was literally all boys. "Keeva, introduce yourself please."

Sending a nervous look at Mr. John, I start talking. "My name is Keeva Rose and I'm seventeen." Murmurs spread throughout the room but Mr. John was quick to hush them before turning to me with a kind smile.

"Well, Keeva, take a seat over there, could you?" Mr. John tells me, pointing to two empty chairs. I silently go over and sit down, looking down at my lap as I hear whispers around me

" he skipped class..."

"Poor girl... Has to sit next to him.."

"Probably slept in.."

I was so confused on what they were talking about. A slight blush coats my cheeks as I play with the sleeves of my hoodie.

What could they possibly be talking about? Who's he? Fuck, I'm so confused.

Suddenly the classroom door opens, snapping me from my thoughts, and I look up to see Ryder entering. "Sup," He says, a cocky smirk on his face. His golden eyes rake across the classroom, not yet noticing me.

He must be who everyone's talking about.

Mr. John frowns, "Ryder. You can't just show up in the middle of class like that. Go sit down." Ryder rolls his eyes and walks to the empty seat next to me and immediately scowled at seeing me. I lower my eyes when he glares coldly at me. "Great. I've got to sit next to you all semester," he grumbles.

I don't understand. The other day he was so friendly but now he's all cold.

Ryder sits in his seat, laying his arms on the table, resting his head on them and turning his head to look at me. I carefully peek up at him and flinch when I see his cold stare and hard golden brown eyes. His stare turned into a glare causing me to stiffen in fear, my breath picking up. After a few minutes, he turns away and faces forward making me relax.

I quietly pulled my sketchpad out and started randomly drawing until class ended. About half way through class, I hear Ryder and another student talking.  "Hey man, where were you?" the guy asks. Ryder's fists clench and I tense, "None of your damn business," he growls gruffly. The guy nervously laughs, "Come on, dude." Peeking up, I see Ryder glaring at him, "I said it's none of your business." he growls again. His voice held a dangerous edge to it and immediately the boy gulps and looks away.

His eyes turn back onto me for a moment and clash with my own. They softened for a split second before hardening once more. "What the hell do you want?" he growls lowly. I sat frozen once more, in fear of what he could do. "Alright, class dismissed everyone," Mr. John calls. Ryder immediately stands up and storms away, slamming the classroom door behind him making me jump.

Everyone had froze and was staring at my pale, frightened face. I was frozen in my seat, eyes wide. "Keeva, you okay?" Ayato questions behind me. I swallowed and slowly nodded. Rising to my feet, I quickly walk into the hallway.

Everyone who was in the hallway turned to stare at me and that's when I realized that they were all boys. Frightened, I turn and sprinted away. I wasn't paying attention at all where I was going and crashed into a warm, hard chest.

With a small gasp, I fall backwards onto the floor. Biting my lip, I look up at the person I ran into to. "I- I'm sorry!" I blurted when I see Ryder scowling down at me. He growls, "Watch it." I advert my gaze to the ground and struggle to stand up.

I  suddenly hear a frustrated sigh and get yanked to my feet by a hand gripping my elbow. Nervously, I peek at Ryder, "Thank you," I mumble. He just stares coldly at me, "Just watch out next time."

I nodded, lowering my head as Ruder brushes by me. I move forward but freeze when a hand is gripping my wrist. I look up at Ryder's smothering gaze, "What's your name?" his voice was husky as he spoke.

I blink, "My name is K-keeva," I whisper, stuttering slightly. "Keeva," He repeated, my name rolling easily off his tongue. I loved the way it did. I blushed slightly, biting my lip. Ryder nods than. "Stay out of my way, Keeva." The cold look was back in his eyes making me flinch.

He let me go and immediately starts walking away, glaring at the few boys that stared our- my way. Watching as he disappears further down the hall, I bit my lip and pull at the sleeves of my hoodie. Looking at the time, I went off in search for my dorm. My dorm keeper, Mr. Carlisle spotted me when I entered the main office.

"Ah Keeva, I've been waiting for you," he greets. I follow him as he starts leading me to a building little ways from the school. "This is your dorm," Mr. Carlisle said, leading me inside. I nervously follow, fiddling with the necklace around my neck. He leads me into a spacious kitchen and I see five boys sitting around a table.

There was Ayato, Blake, two other boys, and finally Ryder. The second I walked in, Ryder looks up and his golden eyes immediately clash with mine. "Keeva!" Ayato exclaims with a wide grin. Ryder looked away from me to glare at Ayato. I bit my lip again, glancing around at everyone.

"Uh- hi?" I said meekly. Ryder's eyes move back onto me and I advert my gaze to the floor to avoid the intensity in his stare. "Keeva, this Ayato, Blake, Xavier, Riley, and Ryder," Mr. Carlisle says, pointing to each boy in turn. I kept my eyes to the floor and shyly nodded. "Can I be excused? I'm tired and would like to rest," I mumble to Mr. Carlisle.

He nods, smiling gently. "Of course, Keeva. Ryder, could you show Keeva to her room?" I hear a quiet growl before Ryder shoves past us. "Come on!" He barks at me. I flinch but followed him quickly.

Ryder stalks up the flight of stairs and down long hallway. I follow him silently, my teeth clamped on my bottom lip. He suddenly stops at a door and fiddles with a key for a moment as I stood next to him with clenched fists.

I was scared and nervous and was digging my nails into my palm. Ryder steps aside after a few moments and swings the door open. I pass him only to jerk to a stop when a hand wraps around my wrist.

My breath picks up as Ryder gently smooths my hand out so my nails weren't digging into my palm. "Don't do that. Don't hurt yourself, beautiful." I hear Ryder softly murmur as he let's go of my hand.

I shudder at the feeling of his breath on my neck before he turns and starts walking away. I hear his footsteps grow softer as he walks away and slowly let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

That boy unnerves me to no end.

Slowly, I walk fully into my room and close the door, falling onto the bed and drifting off instantly.

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