Chapter 3; Just a dream

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Chapter 3: Just A Dream (edited)

I wake up from my latest nightmare with a scream, shooting straight up in my bed, gasping. I've been having nightmares every night for the past two weeks that I've been here at this school. Normally they're not too bad but tonight was the worst yet.

"Its just a dream. Just a dream," I mutter to myself. My body was trembling badly as I rub the sleep from my eyes. I had tears streaming freely down my face as I leaned against the wall the bed was pressed up against and bury my face in my hands.

When my door suddenly creaks open, my head shoots up and I let out a soft whimper. "Keeva?" I hear Ryder call. From the moonlight seeping in through the window, I could see his tall shadow hovering in the doorway. "I heard you scream."

Shit. I quickly wipe my eyes as Ryder fully enters my room. "I- I'm fine. Just go back to b- bed," I whispered, my voice breaking. "You don't sound alright!" He snaps, towering over my bed.

I whimper and cringe back. "I just had a bad dream," I whisper, still crying a bit. My arms were wrapped tightly around my waist as I scoot backwards from Ryder. I hear him sigh than suddenly the bed dips and I'm pulled into strong arms, "Shh," He murmured, pressing my head gently into his shoulder.

I wanted to struggle but I was too tired and his arms were comforting. My shoulders started shaking as I started quietly sobbing. Ryder starts rubbing small circles on my back, his fingers occasionally brushing my bare skin that my tank top didn't cover.

Silently, I lay my head on his chest, closing my eyes as my tears slip down my face. My hands clench around the t-shirt he worn. "Do you get them often?" Ryder suddenly asks, his voice surprisingly gentle.

I slowly shake my head, "Yes, not always this bad though." His hand was stroking my hair gently. Ryder gently lays me back down on my bed, watching as snuggle deeper into the covers.

I watch him as he stretches a hand out and tucks my hair behind my ear, his hand brushing my cheek when he pulls back. When he sees my eyes drifting close, Ryder stood up. I reach a hand out, sleepily, "Wait.." I mumble.

Ryder looks down at me, "Yes, Keeva?" He asks softly, his brown eyes gentle. "Thank you.." I whisper just as sleep over took me. Before I fully drop into sleep, I feel a warm pair of lips brush against my temple. "Sleep tight, beautiful," Ryder whispers.


I wake up the next morning, sleepy as usual. Blinking, I sit up when someone knocks at my door. "Yes?" I call out nervously. "Breakfast is ready, Keeva," Ryder calls through the door, his voice huskier than normal indicating his woke up not so long ago.

Rubbing my eyes, I shuffle over and open my door to a equally sleepy looking Ryder. Looking up at his face, I see a small bruise on his cheek before moving my eyes up to his.

His brown eyes meet mine, "Okay, thank you, Ryder," I mumble, smiling softly at him. Ryder nods jerkily before turning and walking away. I sighed quietly, wondering what happened to Ryder and why he had a bruise on his cheek

I turned back around and shut my door. Rummaging through my wardrobe, I pulled out black jeans and a Skillet hoodie. I quickly get dressed and head downstairs. A few minutes later, I realized I was lost. "Shit," I muttered.

"Lost?" I jump and whirl around to see Xavier leaning against the opposite wall, scowling. I bit my lip, "Uh- yeah," I mumble. Xavier gestures pass him and I follow him down the hallway.

Moments later, he leads me into the kitchen. He walks in before I could say anything. Everyone turns to look at me making me blush and duck my head. "Took you long enough," Blake teases.

I blush harder and sit down in the nearest seat. Which happens to be next to Ryder. His brown eyes flicker my way for a second than back to his food in front of him. "She got lost," Xavier speaks up. Ryder's eyes instantly snap up and he glares at Xavier. I shift uncomfortably in my seat beside him, "Uh yeah, I did."

"So Keeva, what do you interest in?" Mr. Carlisle asks. I frown in confusion. "What do you mean?" I feel Ryder shift beside me. "Hobbies," Ryder says softly next to me, his golden eyes burning into me, "What are your hobbies?" Everyone looked appalled by the soft and gentle tone Ryder used when he spoke to me.

I bit my lip, my eyes skittering around the table nervously. "Music. Writing," I mumble. My hand rises to my neck and played with my music note penchant. "What do you play?" Ayato asks next. I tuck a lock my hair behind my ear, "A little guitar but I mostly sing." He nods, "Sing something later?" He suggested. My eyes widened, "I'm- I'm not very good," I stutter.

He grins at me, "We'll be the judge of that." Mr. Carlisle clears his throat and I look over. "Keeva, why did you choose to come to a school with dorms?" he asks, "From what I've heard, your old school is one of the best in the country." I bit my lip, tensing up.

"Uh- a change of scenery, I guess," I lied, shrugging casually. I flinch when I hear a scoff come from Ryder. Eyes wide, I glance at him and see him scowling as he stares coldly down at me. "You mean, to get away from the bullying?" He growls. My eyes snap to the ground when I realize he remembered me. "You remember," I whisper, my voice barely audible from the fear.

"Ryder, what are you talking about?" Mr. Carlisle asks, concerned. Without taking his hard golden eyes off me, Ryder starts talking. "You remember when I came home with no jacket and a bruised jaw?"

Glancing quickly around the table, I see everyone nod. "That day, I was passing by Keeva's old school and see some asshole hurting her, calling her names," Ryder explains, his jaw clenched as he recalls the memories. "I stepped in and knocked him out. She had no jacket or anything to cover her from the cold except a thin T-shirt so I gave her my jacket."

Everyone's eyes were on me the second Ryder stopped talking. Feeling Ryder's burning gaze, I slowly raise my eyes to his. "And to answer your question, Keeva, yes, I do remember," He spat. "Took me a while but your shy nature is rather easy to remember."

Shoving his chair back, Ryder stands and bends to hover his lips above my ear. "Do not lie around me, Keeva. Because I can read you like a open book and if I find out you have lied to me about something major like this than you better hide," He hisses into my ear before storming off. The slam of the kitchen door echos through the room as well as the front door.

I sat frozen in my seat, staring unseeing into my lap. "What the hell just happened?" Ayato comments with a raised eyebrow.

Stuttering, I quickly excuse myself and hurry back upstairs to get ready for the day. When I got upstairs, I quickly throw my music book into my bag and grab my iPod on the way out the door.

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