Fresh Start

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Ember pov.
Today was my first day of eight grade in Chicago. It was suppose to be a "Fresh start" according to my physiologist aunt Tara. But this wasn't a fresh start it was a setback. A setback for my grades, my lacrosse, and from making friends. I was perfectly fine back in Ohio. I was actually kind of hot shit there. Back in seventh grade I was an honor roll student, a pretty good lacrosse player, and had a ton of friends. I had two really good best friends, Elizabeth and Kendall. I'd known Elizabeth since we were two and Kendall since 4th grade. But when summer started my mom got in a car accident and died. I know people who don't know me would expect me to be really sad but I wasn't. My mom and I didn't have the best relationship. She was a very smart lady though. She spent almost all her time working as a general surgeon so me and my siblings rarely saw her. My aunt Tara pretty much raised me and my siblings for the past 4 years. I have twin older brother and sister, Toby and Bailee, they're 15 yrs old. I have a younger brother, Hunter, he is 9. And I have a little sister, Ella, she's 2. I know what your thinking why do you have a weird name but your siblings don't? My dad actually named me. We were really close. He died when I was eleven. When he was around he taught my siblings and I to stand up for our selves. He taught my sister and I self defense. I got so into it he signed me up for boxing classes but I quit when he got diagnosed with cancer. His death was a lot different from my mothers because he actually acted like our parent. It was one of the hardest things in my life

Carl pov.
"Carl get up it's the first day of school!", Fiona says loudly shaking me awake.

"Im not going.", I say covering my face with a pillow.

"Damn well you are. I had to go into that school and beg them to let you move to eighth grade and not get held back.", she says angrily.

"Alright alright I'm getting up.", I say jumping down from the bed.

Ember pov.

"Bye guys.", Tara says as we get out of the of the car.

"Bye.", my older siblings and I say in unison.

We walk towards the different buildings and I slowly drift apart from them. As I get closer to my building a group a bleach blonds approach me. "Oh great.", I think to myself.

"Oh look Holly, new meat.", a chubbier one says.

"So how this is gonna work is your gonna give us all the cash you got on you.", Holly says stepping close to my face.

"So how this is gonna work is your gonna back the fuck off!" I say pissed and notice a crowd forming.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Holly says inching even closer.

"I said fuck off or Daddy is gonna have to buy you a new face once I break yours!",I say now furious. I mean who does this bitch thinks she is.

Carl's pov.
I'm watching the new girl go at it with Holly. I feel bad the new girl is about to get her ass kicked. Holly swings for a punch but the new girl ducks to my surprise. Then the new girl kicks her in the gut causing her to stumble back. And to finish her up she slugs her in the mouth causing Holly to fall flat on her face. The crowd that formed is full on screaming for the new girl. Ellie comes behind her and tries to pull her hair but new girl flips her on the ground. "Holy shit im impressed.", I think to myself.

"Who the fucks next!", the new girl turns and yells to the other girls in the group but they all back away.

When she turns I get a better look at her she's absolutely beautiful looking. She has messy wavy brown hair and an athletic muscular body but she still looks girly as well. She turns and pushes her way through the crowd and just walks into the school like nothing ever happened.

Thanks for reading!!! The outfit Ember was wearing is up above.

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