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"Stop bluffing Lucy, this is not you, this is not your house! I've been to your house and this is not it!" Peter shouted at her. He had his temper after of what happened. "I know this is my house, I KNOW IT IS!!!" Lucy thinks with a temper that she has to tell them. "But I won't tell them they'll think I am crazy or something I don't want to be crazy nobody wants to." Lucy calms herself down. "I am sorry guys I am sorry, um...Where's Violet by the way?" Lucy wipes her tears and stands up. "She is upstairs I think to the bathroom." Abbey answers without looking at her only on the Telly that Jack now opened and surfed the channels. Peter was searching the box that were only drawings and books inside from the girl. "I'll go and find Violet, see if everything's alright." Lucy tries to smiles to show that she is fine but turns all creepy and weird. "Shit I always turn out to show the wrong first impression!" Lucy thinks as she goes up the stairs.
"Lucy???" Lucy shouted as the creaking sounds of wood sounded under the stairs as she went up. "Lucy?" She repeated. "Wait, I can prove that this is my house and that I was the girl" Lucy stops outside of HER room when she was younger. Sh goes I inside the room and goes near the bed. "Alright I used to keep my book under the pillow at nights, let's see..." She threw the pillow away. But nothing, just the white sheet. "What? No no no this can't be" Lucy searched under the bed. With all this panic for Lucy, when she was all along sure she heard a voice "Searching for this?". She turned around and Lucy saw Violet with a weird smile hiding something behind her back. Violet showed a diary that held in her hand. "Oh thank you so much Violet." Lucy was about to take it, but Violet showed her the other thing she was hiding behind her back. A gun, Violet was holding a gun. "Violet??? Where did you find that??" Lucy was about to scream. She felt the danger, big danger. "Scream I don't mind, there take it." Violet threw the diary on Lucy and she took it in her hands. "Oh" Violet laughed. "You are going to get in big trouble!" She giggled. "She wasn't Violet I know she wasn't she wasn't herself." Lucy thought and was about to ask. "Violet what are you..." Violet interrupted "Not Violet...Bitch" Violet shouted and pointing slowly the gun on her head. "No no don't do it Violet don't!" Lucy teared up she tried to stop her. "Try and explain this to the others" Violet laughed. "Night night" she ended with that. Pulled the trigger, a loud BAM and Lucy screaming. "Why would she do it?? I thought she had Abbey and lived Grace??? Why???" Lucy questioned crying. Everyone got upstairs. Jack was covering his mouth he couldn't believe it. Peter was confused and teared up and Abbey screamed and ran to Violet and hugged her tightly. "You monster!!!" Peter pointed at Lucy and yelled.

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