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The house was big made stones. It has a garden in front surrounded by a fence. A path made from rocks that lead to the big wooden door. Big windows painted blue, because of Lucy's favourite colour. It a very beautiful morning, birds singing on the high trees the Evans had and the sound of crickets, it was summer a very hot summer. Outside the house a young girl with brown hair picked up in two braids blowing bubbles and giggling hopping around the grass. "Bye Hun" the door opened and a lady with a big blue dress kissed her husband on the lips. "Thanks sweetie see you at dinner" a tall, bald man walked outside the house with a suit and sunglasses. He walked down the path for the garden as the lady with the brown short fluffy hair waved at him. "Daddy!" the little girl shouted putting her toys on the grass and running up to her father, who had his hands open kneeled down to hug her. "Oh my little Lucy is all grown up now." He picked her up. "You are coming for dinner, right?" the young girl kissed him on the cheek. "Of course my little num num" he kissed her back. "Mummy will make waffles for dinner!" Lucy shouted with her hands up high. "Of course I cant miss waffles, can I?" he hugged her as tight as he could. "Come on Lucy, lets go and play with your toys, daddy has to go to work now." The woman picked Lucy up and put her down. "Bye dad!" she ran up the path to get her toys. She turned around and say his car leaving, she waved at him with a big smile. "Come on Lucy, Peter is coming over today, go and get dressed." the mum picked up the toys to clean them up. "Alright mummy" she kissed her on the cheek. The mum gave a smile. "Honey open the door!" after some hours the doorbell rang. "Alright mum." Lucy got to the door and stepped on her toes to open the door. She worn a blue dress, exactly like her mother. At the door there was Evan and an older lady. She had red short hair, the shape was similar with my mum but a complete different clothing. She had a red dress and my mother had a blue dress. "Welcome to the town!" Lucy gave her hand to the boy. The boy ignored her and rolled his eyes. "Come on Peter don't be shy" his mother pushed him inside almost throwing him on Lucy. "My names Agatha and this is Peter we are the Parkins. "Oh nice to meet you" Lucy shook her hand. "I am Lucy my mothers Christie and we are the Evans." Lucy said with a big smile. "Oh hello" Christie was walking down the stairs with a rush and shook her hand. "Christie" she said blowing her own hair from her face. "Nice to meet you, alright kids go upstairs and play we, adults have to speak." Christie turned up to Lucy and pointed the room upstairs, which was hers. "Come on Peter I can show you my room." Lucy got his hand and walked upstairs. He nodded and followed Lucy upstairs. Lucy was showing her toys and favorite books to read while Peter had no interest whatsoever, but just the clock to see what time he was leaving. "Oh I also have a radio, they play my favorite songs." Lucy clapped and turned it on. It was pink with stickers on it. The whole room was pink and had many posters with boy bands and cats. "Don't you like to dance?" Lucy got up and started dancing. Peter just stared at her, not impressed looking at the clock. "oh come oooon!" Lucy got his hands and pulled him to dance with her. But Peter just went completely blanked and just stared at her eyes. Lucy didn't realize, but when she finally turned after closing the radio she realized how handsome he was. "Your...Your eyes" she said mesmerized. "What's up with them?" Peter asked confused not caring whatsoever, but not breaking eye contact. Lucy got closer. "I have green eyes too." She said with a smile, her eyes wide lightened. He got closer to her to look clearly. "Huh you are right." He gave a half grin. "Hey!" She jumped and ran to her closet opening drawers. "What are you doing?" He giggled. She ran back to him holding something in her hand. "There...All yours!" Lucy have a big smile. Peter held it for a sec, it was an ocean bracelet. The bracelets that cool surfing dudes have with shark teeth. "Woah how did you know that I love the ocean." Peter was so excited. The first time somebody actually knew him and gave him something. "Guessed." She smiled and looked at him in the eyes again. He gave her a smile. "Thanks." He said with a low voice, like it was something embarrassing to say. "My pleasure" Lucy sat in the chair opening the radio again.
Lucy helped clean up the dishes with her mother after the Evans left. "So...Lucy, what do you think of this Peter guy?" She gave Lucy a smile. Lucy was too embarrassed to answer, so she just giggled and turned red. "Cute" she smiled at her. Her mother hugged her. "You are growing up so fast." She teared up. Suddenly the phone rang. My mum rushed to get it, maybe it was dads job. "Yes Ms Evans speaking." She answered like always. Lucy watched as her mothers expression turned to happy and curious to terrified with tears. Christie covered her mouth and close the phone, she rushed to call someone else. "Mum what happened?" Lucy asked. She didn't answer she was calling someone. "Hey mum" her mother said. "Can you watch after Lucy please I...I have to go somewhere." Her voice was shaky and seemed scared. "Thank you" she closed the phone and put on her shoes. "Mum what happened?" Lucy ran to her and Christie gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Please hun, don't open the door to strangers. Grandma is coming now to watch over you, I am coming back as soon as I find your dad alright?" She kissed her again and hugged her. "Alright" Lucy said with a confusion. She didn't knew what was happening, how should she know how to react? Her mother ran to the other car and drove away.
"I remember that day exactly....snowing, darkness it was a cold night, I realized after my mother left. I stayed with Grandma she had tears in her eyes and had me in her hug for the whole night. We ate waffles together with syrup , but it wasn't that good at all. Not like when dad makes them some days." Lucy remembers as she was lying on the couch. She remembers the police in the morning as she woke up and didn't saw her parents. Remembered the happiness when she heard the door knocking like when dad used to knock when he came back to work and not hit the doorbell. But then realizing it was the police wanting to talk to my grandma holding pair of clothes tightly folded same with my dads and mums. She remembers the scream and crying of my grandmother when they told her. Remembers how she cried when grandma finally told her. The crying, the tears, she felt she could never smile again. She remembers Peter visiting every single day after that day, keeping me in company. She remembers when she moved out with Peters family to the new town. The town she meet her friends, her special friends. She remembers when she had the crush on Peter and then just disappeared when he left school to college. She was the one that made him move to this town and greeted Grace to him. She was the one that made everyone happy, when she could. Now it's all fading away, the connections between the friendship. She lost communication from Peter, Abbey and Jack, or she though she did because of nobody texting her all afternoon.

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