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"Aww you are the cutest, babe!" Grace turned the phone to him, so he could see his perfect picture on snapchat. "Thanks babe." Peter, though, continued driving, not giving even a peak to see the picture. Lucy knew she had to speak anytime soon, to not make it awkward and all. "Oh, you have snapchat?" Lucy said with an excitement in her voice. "Pf I knew he had snapchat, I used to follow him and like his pic before this bitch came along." Lucy thought giving a death stare to Grace, of course making it not so obvious for her to see. "Yeah, yeah I do...Though Lucy I think you unfollowed me." He stopped the eye contact and bit his lip with disappointment in his eyes. Grace gave Lucy a death stare from the mirror of the car. "Um" Lucy coughed. "Yea account hacked." Lucy smiled awkwardly to Grace. "SHIT! I forgot I unfollowed him from snapchat, because of his photos!!! If I had to stop having a crush from him I had to not follow his amazing abs photos on snapchat." Lucy thought with a panic. Grace and Peter both stared at each other with disappointment in their eyes. "Um... Hey now that it's fixed I can follow you back." Lucy opens her backpack with a hurry and takes her phone. With hands shaking she presses a button to follow him back. "There" she trows the phone in her backpack but misses and goes on the floor. "Shit! Oh I mean, FUCK. Oh pardon me." Lucy was sweating. "Try not to swear!!" She thinks as she tries to get her phone that was now under Graces seat. Lucy laughs awkwardly. "I'll get it when we arrive" she gives a big awkward smile with sweat and panic in her voice that cracks. She didn't even want to face Peter or Grace. "I am sure they are disappointed as ever!" Lucy thought and turn to see Peter smiling with a giggle and Grace on her phone. "Phew" Lucy wiped her forehead from the sweat. "Here." Peter says and stoops the car. "Thanks" Lucy smiles, takes her seatbelt off and finally gets her phone. "Bye thank you again" Lucy waves both of them and opens the door with the keys she hides under her phones cover. "Aaaaa shit." She yells to herself when she closes the door behind her. she covers her face from embarrassment. "This...Was...The...WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!" She shouts to herself and lies on the brown couch. Her house wasn't very big, but it was cozy. Everyone that's been to her house say that. "It has a good atmosphere, very cozy " Lucy remembers Peter saying two days after the accident. Lucy opens her phone and sees a message. "It's from Peter!" She shouts.

Hey, you forgot your backpack in the car.

"Shit I actually did" Lucy remembers with a red embarrassed face.

Oh, sorry, it's fine I guess you can keep it or give it to Grace

What? No,don't be ridiculous

Well there's no way I could get it back. Tomorrow I am leaving for France morning and today my grandmas away, alone in the house.

"Except..." Lucy thinks of the only idea.

...Except if you can bring it now, sorry.

There's no reply. "Fuck I am thinking so selfish!" I burry my face in the pillow from the couch and leave my phone on the coffee table in front of the Telly.
There's been 2 hours and still no reply. Lucy looks at the clock in the dining room, that was next to the living room. '6:00' the clock said. Then suddenly a loud message noise from the phone. Lucy jumps out of the couch and looks at the phone sweating. It was Grandma..

Hey cutie pie, I am out with friends going to be back at exactly 2:00 in the morning, sorry sweet cheeks! Btw food in the fridge for you to heat up in microwave.
-Grandma xxx

"2:00 in the morning, she is the coolest!" Lucy smiled as she was re reading the text. Lucy's grandmother is the coolest. She is always out with friends and having fun. It's like she forgot the accident. "I wish I could forget it and have fun like her." Lucy put her phone down and led on the couch.

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