Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Lizzy stared at the bed in her parent’s room. They were as still as statues. They would not move at all. They were not even breathing. She needed to get out of here, she needed to run away but she knew people were watching her. She had tended to the animals already so they would survive and she was about to head off to work at the stables for the day when she had found them in bed. It was lucky she went into check up on them.

She knew the perfect place to go and cry without anyone wondering why. Sorrow Corner. That was what everyone called it. There was a dark corner in the town square that was covered by deep shadows. No one would be able to see you once you were there but it was getting there that were the problem. She was on the opposite side of the square to Sorrow Corner so that meant running all the way across, past her work which would surely call out to her, to get to the place she wanted to be.

Deciding that now would be a good time, she left the house with a bonnet pulled over her eyes, shadowing her face so hopefully no one would know it was her. She scurried through as many shadows as possible; tears were threatening to fall already.

Somehow, she reached Sorrow Corner and she fell to her knees and began to cry. She was aware of someone else being there, crying quietly, too. She let the tears escape her and she let go of her grief.


Eddy was quite pleased with himself and Louis. They had managed to get as far as the gate before someone noticed them going. It was, of course, one of the new guards that were guarding the gate. Both boys had forgotten about them. Eddy vaguely remembered Thomas telling him about them but he couldn’t remember when that was.

Louis had solved that problem by threatening the guard that if he didn’t keep quiet about them leaving then he would be gone from here quicker than he could say the word: Gone. The guard had let them through without a problem and Louis was pretty sure that he wouldn’t snitch on them. At least, not for a while.

They had then half walked, half jogged it to the woods, their packs bashing into their backs. They had reached the woods just as the sun began to come up. Eddy estimated they had a few hours for them to rest before they would have to find Lizzy or they would have to find somewhere else to hide.

For safety’s sake they climbed a tree so they could sleep above ground and hopefully no one would know they were up there.

When Eddy had planned that they would only have a few hours sleep, they ended up sleeping till midday. He quickly woke Louis up and together they made their way quickly but carefully towards the village. Neither of them had any idea where Lizzy lived or where her job or stall was. Louis realised at the last minute that they couldn’t walk into the village looking like they were. Louis suggested that they use their spare clothes and rip them up a little before putting them on.

Then there was the problem with their faces. Both of them were easily recognised and it would be hard for them to disguise themselves. In the end, they covered their face and hair with mud and leaves and hope for the best.

Once in the village they kept their heads down and prayed no one would recognise them. They decided that they needed a place to talk and spied a corner full of dark shadows. They quickly headed there, no one seemed to notice them at all as the scampered past person after person.

“Where do you think Lizzy could live?” Louis asked.

“I do not know and we cannot ask people where she lives, they would get suspicious; and, anyway, we would have to raise our heads and I am afraid someone will recognise us.” Eddy replied. There was movement beside them but they ignored it and carried on with their conversation.

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