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What's Miku's favorite pattern?

Ievan Polka Dots

Miku's POV

~time skip~

It's been an hour and I can tell he's not asleep.
Maybe we can play a game or something. We ARE on vacation.

"Um...Len, Are you awake?" I softly ask.

"...yeah." He answers shyly

"Do you want to do something? I mean...I-If you aren't tired."

"Sure. He sits up.
What did you have in mind?"

"Mmm..." Something like a card game.

~time skip~

"Ahaha! I win!" I slam my last card on top of the kotatsu table.

"Okay okay...You're just lucky." Len lays down his last card.

"Hehehe...Anyway, would you like some tea?" I stand up and go into the kitchen.

"Sure. Geez...Who would've thought I'd be this cold at night..." Len shivers.

"Tell me about it..." I prepare the tea and wait.

This is so fun! I can't believe Len lost twice! Hehehe...Oh! The tea is ready...

I pour Len and I a cup and bring it to the kotatsu table. Len takes a sip and automatically relaxes. I do the same.

Now that I think about it, it's very late and I'm starting to get sleepy.

I lay my head down on the table, Len does the same.



"...Aishiteru..." Len whispers under his breath.

"Eh?! W-Why are you saying that now?" I blush

"I just felt like telling you..."


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"O-Okay..." I reply. Len finishes his tea and sets it down. He stands up and stretches his arms while yawning.

"Well! It's getting late, we should head to bed."

"Right." I set my cup down.

"Ah-wait." Len looks down at me as if he's forgotten something.

"Nani?" He crouches back on his knees and brings his face closer to mine. Gently, he holds my chin and kisses me. It was quick but soft.

"Oyasumi." Len stands back on his feet and climbs into his futon. I lightly brush my bottom lip with my fingers.

Did Len just kiss me? Or was I just hallucinating?

"You goin to bed or are you just gonna sit there with an empty cup of tea?" Len asks.

"Ah, n-no I'm coming." I stand up and climb into my futon.


I fall asleep faster than usual. When I wake up, I notice that Len isn't in his futon. I get out of my futon and look around for him.

Did he leave? No, he couldn't have. It's only 6:57am there's no way he went swimming this early. Right?

*click* One of the room doors open. I Look over at the sound of creaking. Len closes the bathroom door behind him. He has a towel wrapped around his waist and one around his neck.

"Oh-You're awake. Ohayou." Len smiles at me. I blush furiously and turn back around.


"No, it's fine." Len says.

"Um...Do you mind keeping your back turned for a little?" He asks.

"N...No problem." Is he insane?! He's technically changing right in front of me! He could just change in the bathroom! Why here?!

"Ok, You can look now." I turn back around. He has pants on but he doesn't have a shirt on.
"Geez..." My face is still red but I'm starting to calm down.

"What? You wanna see more?" He starts taking off his pants.

"No! Baka!" I grow red again.

To be continued....

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