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What do you call Miku based cereal?


Len's POV

Rin and I finish eating and clean our plates. I head upstairs to go nap but something catches my eye. Two plastic bags at our entranceway. Did Miku leave these? What are in them-"

I take out a striped-teal bikini inside.

W-Was Miku going to wear this?!
I start imagining what Miku would look like in a bikini and my face starts going red.

W-Was Miku going to wear this?! I start imagining what Miku would look like in a bikini and my face starts going red

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"Len? What are you holding?..." Rin peeks from behind my back and points at the bikini.

"N-Nothing!"I stick it back in the bag and look away.

"Liar....I saw what you were holding, you perv...."

"Grrr....I was only going through Miku's bag, okay!"

".....That makes it sound even worse...You're not suppose to go through someone's belongings!"

I can't argue with her there....I did kind of go through her stuff without permission.

I take out my phone and call Miku. She picks up after the 3rd ring.

"Moshi Moshi?"


"Oh, Len, what's wrong?"

"I....was wondering....Why do you have a bikini in your shopping bag?" I blush

"...I-Its...for the said you weren't going to go."

Actually....I'm pretty sure I said I was going to think about it. If Miku's going to wear...That! Then of course I have to go!

"A-Actually, I changed my mind!"

"Really? Then I'll go tell Mikuo."

"Okay. See you later."

"Bye..." Miku hangs up.

"Len, You're such a pervert." Rin starts walking upstairs.

"Um, Wait." I chase after her.

"When....are we going to the beach?" I scratch the back of my head, embarassed.

"Right....She didn't tell you since you just now decided to go. Tomorrow. We're all leaving tomorow." She crosses her arms.

"Eh? Really?!"

"Yup. So I suggest you start packing because we'll be leaving early in the morning."


I sort out my clothes and stick them into a blue luggage. Looking at the clock, I'd say I have 5hours to sleep.
Well! Better make the most of it.

I climb into bed and fall asleep faster than usual.

~time skip~

Narrator's POV

Rin's alarm clock goes off, alerting her to wake up. After 5 solid minutes of obnoxious ringing, she finally turns it off and gets out of bed. It was so loud that you could hear it from next door. As a result, Len also woke up. They both took turns taking a shower and brushing their teeth. Rin already informed her parents where they'll be going and for how long. Mr. and Mrs. Kagamine were fine with the idea. The twins got dressed and fixed themselves up. They grabbed their bags and exited the house. Len grabbed Miku's bikini just as he was leaving. Mikuo's van was waiting right outside for them. They entered the car and sat in the very back. They were the last ones to pick up so now they're on their way to the beach!

To be continued.......

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