Chapter Twenty-One [Edited]

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-Black tongues speak faster than the car can crash-You'll supply the rumors, and I'll provide the wrath-Romance is breaking every heart in two-Casting shadows in a pale shade of view-Plastic blue conservations in my room-Saving every tear for you-Trusting every word untrue-Twilight fading

                                                                                                          -Blue, The Birthday Massacre, Violet

                                                                                                                                                             5:47 A. M.

                                                                                                                                                     June 13, 2011


                                                                                       "You lied!" I yelled up at the sky and let out another cry of pain. "How could you leave me?!" I cried then wiped the tears from my eyes and sniffed. "Why? Why would you leave without saying goodbye?" I asked and fear started to trickle into my body, making me shake.

Somebody was coming to me and I knew something was wrong. I looked up to see a man with black hair up to his shoulders and glaring red eyes. He wore a large black cloak and huge black boots plus he looked at least in his twenties with a short beard. He stared at me and rain drenched him and he narrowed his eyes.

"Why are you crying, Human?" he asked me and I looked up at his amazing Dark Aura. Tears continued to fall down my cheeks. "Who are you?" I managed to get out and he stared down at me. "That is unimportant right now. Why are you crying?" he asked and I gulped up a cry. "I...didn't have a chance to get to say goodbye to the guy I loved." I told him and he narrowed his eyes even more. "What his name?" he asked and I tried to get up but couldn't. His Aura made me stare up at him. "Allenir." I told him and he looked away from me.

"That boy shouldn't have been born from Klara."  he said and I blinked. "You know him?" I asked him and then he walked up to me, placing his hand on my head. Everything began to blur and I blinked, trying to get ride of it. "I do since I'm his father." he said then everything black out.


The Werewolf couldn't handle Hades and Fallen's power anymore and fell face flat into the ground. My eyes widen and he transformed back to his Human form. I tried to summon more Spells but I didn't have enough Magic to power it. Hades grabbed my hair and pulled me to him, grinning evilly at me and I gasped at the pain. "Such an innocent face. I will love to play with you, little Witch." he said and I paled. Oh God, what could he do to me?

"You were always a beast weren't you, Hades?" a voice said behind me and we turned to see the Dark Angel and Allen. I smiled and hope returned to me. He came back to save me! "Allen!" I cried out and he narrowed his eyes. "Who are you?" he asked then my smile faded.


Did he forget about me already?

"So you came Allenir. Good. yet you don't seem to have your powers back. Do you intend to join us in this marvelous game we've been waiting for?" Fallen said and grinned at Allen. Allen scowled then slowly his skin began to ripple. "Don't you remember that this place is full of Dark Auras, Allenir? Your Demon power will raise up when you are here." he said and then Allen's skin somehow turned into a pointed blade like object.

"I came here to restore my Demon power since I have betrayed the Angels." he told them and I narrowed my eyes. What does he mean? Allen is a Vampire and committed Sins so he couldn't be an Angel. Or was this someone pretending to be Allen?

"So are you joining us?" Fallen asked and Allen pointed his hand to Fallen. "Never in chance of Hell. I have chosen a new side." Allen said then the Dark Angel charged at Hades, hitting him and making him release his grip on my throat. I gasped in deep breathes and then Allen charged head on toe Fallen.

Fallen opened his arms up then a black void opened up beneath him and Allen scowled even more. "Join me, Allen. I will rule this world and the Human World also. Once you go into the Abyss, I will take over your Human body. Your impure soul is something I will get rid of." Fallen said then Allen slammed into Fallen, pushing him down into the black void.

"Stop this nonsense at once!" a voice from behind them and Allen stop nearly inches away from the void. He turned to the voice and his eyes narrowed. "Who the hell are you?" he hissed then Demona walked out of the Door with someone slung over his huge shoulder. "I would thought, you would have learned by now that you learned about me, Rogziel." Demona said and Allen's eyes narrrowed, his skin returned to normal.

"How do you know my real name?" he questioned and Demona moved the person over his shoulders and faced her up. Allen's eyes widen even more and then the void closed up. "She was crying in an alleyway, Allenir. She was very sad about you leaving her without saying goodbye. You basically broke her heart in half by letting her trusting every word you said untrue." Demona said and the Human moaned.

Allen was suddenly next to him and tried to grab the Human but Demona kept on moving her around. "You are so much like me and many different ways, Allenir." Demona said and Allen scowled. "Give me her you bastard!" Allen yelled then Demona threw her down to the ground. Allen's eyes widen when she quickly hit the ground and cried out in pain. Rage filled Allen's eyes and his teeth slowly turned pointed. "Yes, Allenir. Let your anger out on me then it'll make your Demon powers return back to you." Demona said and Allen's hair started to slowly grow to.

Suddenly his eye color changed to blood red and his skin color was changing to black. My eyes widen and he started to growl. His hair color changed to red and then his nails grew at least five inches. Finally fangs appeared in his mouth. He turned to Demona and then was suddenly next to him. He kicked him in the face and Demona scowled.

"You have become strong and much like Klara." Demona said then grabbed Allen's foot. Allen scowled and he let out a hiss. "Shut...up!" Allen managed to get out and I slowly got up. The Human moaned again and then slowly moved upward. Demona then threw him right between me and the Human. He gasped then his eyes widen. Slowly his hair started retreating back then Demona landing right on his chest.

Allen gasped in pain and Demona pushed on his chest even harder. "You will not changed back to your Human form until you still like that, Rogziel." Demona said and Allen scowled. He let out a cry then threw Demona off of him and suddenly the Human's eyes shot open. "Reveal yourself to these Worlds, Rogziel!" Demona yelled then a bright flash came from Allen's body.

The Underworld: Book One of the Dark Worlds [Edited!]Where stories live. Discover now