Chapter Twelve [Edited]

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-When I'm falling down-Will you pick me up again?-When I'm too far gone-Dead in the eyes of my friends-Will you, take me out of here?-When I'm staring down the barrel-When I'm blinded by the lights-When I can not see your face-Take me out of here (4x)-All I believe,and all I've known-Are being taken from me, can't get home-Led to a world where worlds collide-Let their fear collapse, bring no surprise-Take me out of here-

                                                                           -Watercolour, Pendulum, Immersion




                                                                            Llewellyn flew straight at the boy who's eyes widen and he jumped out of the way, dodging his attack and he scowled. "So yer the new Dark Angel that landed in here cause ya got kicked out of Heaven for doing something that yer Master told ya to do." He said and then his hand turned into a wolf's claw. "You can shut up." Llewellyn said and I just stared blankly at them not able to do anything for my own good.

"Hey, Dark Angel. I heard that ya have a Curse on ya too." he said and Llewellyn's eyes widen. "How do you know that?" he asked and he grinned, his face slowly changing like a wolf's and I backed away in the horror.

Suddenly something hit Llewellyn in the back and he fell face flat into the ground and the boy blinked, his face slowly going back to normal. "Why are ya attacking my men?" someone asked in the dust from a part way. "Crap, it's ya." he hissed and started to head off but them something from the dust appeared around him like a rope, expanding to the dust. He got tied and scowled, staring at the rope and tried to break free but couldn't. "Damn it! Let go of me!" he cried then the person walked out from the dust. It was girl probably thirteen with long black hair and green eyes, wearing a red cloak and black combat boots underneath it.

"Not until ya apologize." she said and I blinked, gripping the rope thing in her hand tighter. He scowled and then she turned to me, scowling. "I hear there was a Human here but I didn't believe it would make it out this long." she said and walked to me. Suddenly something pushed the girl aside and my eyes widen. "Get the hell away from her!" someone cried and I turned to see Allen and Rick next to the girl, clamping her arms.

"Why are ya doin' this to me?" she asked them and Rick's eye turned to me. "She's my property." Allen hissed then Alec came from behind and grabbed me, getting out of there. "Hey!" I cried and then something grabbed Alec's leg, falling to the ground and I fell too. "How can ya say that's she's yer property? Yer mine!"  the girl cried and tears fell down her face. "Listen! Mercy calm down!" Allen yelled at her then they started to jump and there eyes widen plus it seemed like lighting struck them.

"Ya only belong to me! Ya and I are destined to be together!" she said and then turned to me, glaring evilly at me. "So long...Witch..." a voice said and then something tackled her, pushing her to the ground. She cried out and my eyes widen. Oh no...what's happening now?


Suddenly Dark Aura broke through Llewellyn and our eyes widen. "Crap." I hissed and then Llewellyn came out of the dust like a Demon. "Why do ya always come out now?" I asked him and he turned to me. "" he said and his wings slowly moved up. "How dare ya say that me?!" I yell to him then I feel my True Vampire Side push me around.

Crap...ya bastard...

"Come on move aside so I can fight and have some blood!"


"Once tainted, twice bite..." someone said and I turned to the voice seeing, Alec staring at me like I was about to let him free. "I will never let him free!" I yelled at him then I felt him punch me in the stomach. Saliva dripped down my lips and my eyes widen. "Yer not strong enough to keep him contained. Ya are gettin' devoured." Alec said and I saw Llewellyn move to me.

"Die...Vampire..." Llewellyn said and then he grabbed my head, forcing me to go with outside. "What the hell are ya doin'?!" I yelled at him and he stared a head. "Not gonna answer? Fine, I'll attack then." I said then got ready to attack him with my fist but my True Vampire side crept up to arm, forcing it down. "Damn it..." I hissed and then he stopped flying, starin' down at the ground. "Oh no...ya wouldn't." I said with my eyes widen.

He smiled evilly and my eyes widen even a lot more. "I..would..." he said then let go of me, makin' me fall to my death plus be vulnerable to my true Vampire side. I scowled at him as he grinned evilly at me as I was fallin' to my death. 

The Underworld: Book One of the Dark Worlds [Edited!]Where stories live. Discover now