A Day Of Meetings

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Hey everyone!! The third chapter already!? I know I'm shocked too!.......yeah i know it should have been up a whole lot sooner :P i've actually had it typed fully for two days now but i hated the ending and literally this morning i completely changed it XD #sorrynotsorry 

I'm also sorry that i'm posting this so late but the Walking Dead has my heart and therefore I have to watch it before I do anything else with my life!!! XDDDD Well here ya go! It's the next chapter and therefore you better all enjoy it! I'll have the next one up in about a week or so :) Love you guys!! <3 

Word Count: 4,324


Clover read the message out loud and laughed starting to type something but before I could even try to grab my phone she sent the message already, "Clover!! What the hell did you say!?" I exclaimed loudly and Leo covered his ears exclaiming 'bad word! bad word!'. I stayed focused on my friend who was giggling.

"Nothinggg..." She chirped and I started yelling random stuff out and Clover was laughing so hard handing the phone to Camden who let out an 'oh!'. 

"She didn't say anything bad! All she said was 'What's your question?'' that's it." I sighed in relief but Camden didn't give me my phone back.  Then there was another noise, once again my phone and Clover's face lit up as did Camden's face but for another reason, the glow of my phone is what lit up his face. "Well that's cute."

"What!" I exclaimed almost diving to the phone, "What is it!?" 

Camden laughed tossing Clover the phone, "Hmmm." Clover hummed after reading the message.

"Dammit why won't anyone tell me!" I yelled and Camden rolled his eyes.

"He wants you to help him in math." Camden crossed his arms and I just blinked. 

"Really?" Camden nodded throwing me my phone so I could look down at the long message I had received. 

'So I was wondering if you could help me in trig? I don't know anyone here since I only moved here like a month ago? Yea...actually I know some people but they such at math. I figured I might as well try to ask you, since you sit behind me. It would help me a bunch.' 

My eyes widened, "He actually wants me to help him?"

Clover nudged my arm, "Yeah he does!" 

"Why me?" I questioned and Camden rolled his eyes.

"For once just take it Autumn! It's a sign from the heavens take it for gods sake." Camden started chuckling. "That's was a pun...get it heaven? God? Oh I'm funny." Clover and I both just rolled our eyes and Camden stopped laughing. "Anyway. He actually wants to deal with you, and finally being good at math is doing something for ya." Camden exclaimed and I just crossed my arms. Everyone's eyes went I my phone hearing it go off signaling I have received a new message. 

'If you don't want to you don't have too, Mr. Alton suggested you but I could just get Calum to do it...but he's not that great at math. Haha.' 

I quickly began typing, 'No no! Of course I'll help you! Just give me a time and place I'll be there!' 

I hit send and Michael read it almost immediately, 'okay! Thx! Heresy number, txt me details.' And right at the end of his message was his cell phone number.

I blushed and Clover hit my arm, "What's he saying!" 

"He gave me his number and told me to text him!" I giggled and Camden began to clap his hands together slowly.

Good Girls Are Bad Girls {Sequel To Stuck In The Dark}Where stories live. Discover now