Something in the blood

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“We are only three hours from the hospital, hang in there Jay” Louis says, dabbing my forehead with another cool towel, I feel a whole lot of muscles in my stomach tighten. I am going to vomit again.

I lean towards Harry and say;
before spewing my guts out once again.
harry drapes my hair in his hands and holds it back for me.
“It… hurts” I say. Harry pulls me closer to him.
“I can’t breath properly”
“Hang in there Jay, you can do it”
“No.. I- I can’t”

I feel all the mucils in my body begin to have a fit, I flip myself side ways, hoping to get rid of the horrible feeling. But it doesn’t work. Harry picks my body up again and holds it tightly against his, keeping me from convulsing again.

I pass out.


“Quick, get her out of the bus, we have to go!”

I yell over the rain, Louis swoops up Jaycee’s body and practically olimpic runs her into the hospital.

“We need to get her into a room- now!” Zayn yells to the receptionist, her eyes shoot open
“Yes, we are One Direction, No, we will not give you an autograph right now, and yes, this girl is dying. So can we PLEASE get her into a room.. now” Liam says, the whole room falls silent.

the receptionist handing us a room key.

“thanks” Liam says, running ahead of us to find our room.
Jaycee was still unconscious, she has been out for 3 hours now, the whole way here.

“Here!, it’s over here!” he calls, opening the door for us. I stagger into the darkroom and open the sheets, Louis places her down gently.
“I’ll get someone in here” Niall says, running out of the room.

I pull a chair over next to Jaycee’s bed, I entwine my warm hand, with her freezing cold one.
please please please let her be okay, please.

Five minutes later a doctor walks in, with 4 other nurses
“Name?” he asks
“Jaycee Davidson” I say

“we-we don’t know, she just woke up and-“

“And she was vomiting”
“-and she was having convulsions”
“-And she’s been passed out for three hours”
all the boys say, the doctor puts his hand up to shut them all up. He looks over at the nurses, they all nod.
“Lets get that in her arm Lucy, set up the montor Ambrel, Get the heart rate one out too Sara, and you, Sandi, get me a scalpel, or something I can cut through cartlidge with.. GO”

they all scattered off like a bunch of ants, picking up materials, and clinking and clanking around with all the machines. One of the nurses stuck a huge needle up Jaycees arm, I flinch.

“Is she going to be okay?” I ask, the doctors face is serious.

“We don’t know yet, young lad”
“w-what’s the problem with her then?”
“Like I said, we don’t know yet”
I scrunch up my face.
“will she wake up?”
“she will, in about…er, an hour or so?” I nod

“okay… I guess I’ll just wait here-“
“Shit, the concert-“ Niall says, and facepalms himself.

Zayn puts his hand on my shoulder
“c’mon mate, she’ll be awake when we get back”

“I want to stay here” I say, but Louis inturrups “you can’t, we can’t let all those people down, we have to go”
I breath in, I didn’t want to leave Jaycee alone in here… I didn’t want to leave her alone at all.
it’s about a minute before I say;
 “fine, lets go”.

Take A Trip With The Boys #1 - A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now