Board Walk

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Even though I heard the words clear in my head, I was still obliged to say; “Pardon?” Harry smiles that un-earthly smile, that makes me tremble slightly “I said I love-“ “HARRY!, there yous are!” Louis slurs, he grabs Harry’s arm and pulls him from the door frame. But yet, I still stand there. Dead in the mind.

What what I s’post to say?, out of all things I couldn’t say ‘I love you too’, I had only just met the guy!, and I most certainly wasn’t in love with him…I don’t think. I walk out from my place in the door frame and jump back at the sight I was seeing. All the boys were jumping, laughing, screaming, playing, hitting, and just being plain stupid around the whole room. It was a complete mess. I pinched the top of my nose “what the hell boys” I mumble, and sit on the leather couch, next to a bouncing Louis. There was a knock at the door, and I swear all the boys froze, everything went silent. The knocks got louder “No body speaky de english ina heera” Niall says, taking another bite of his pizza, I roll my eyes “really Niall?!” I mouth, he shrugs his shoulders, I stand up and make my way to the door. I only open it a crack “Oh hey Mick!” I say, trying not to change the tone in my voice. “Whats going on in there?” he asks, and I remember what the boy’s said to me… I’m a terrible liar “Nothing, we are just playing some fooseball” I say, twisting my foot “At 1:00 in the morning?” I roll my eyes hopefully “it’s those boys, you’d think they’d be tired after the concert, but you know.. boys are boys” Mick laughs “You’re right, well, keep it down a little okay?” I smile “Sure thing” “awesome. Well, goodnight Jaycee. And can you be downstairs by 7 tomorrow, we have some news for all of you” i nod “no worries Mick, c-ya” with that, I close the door. I’m not sure wether Mick believed me, but who cares. I got away with it. I turn back to see all five of them… asleep. I couldn’t help but smile, they all looked SO CUTE!, I just wanted to squish up next to them all.

“MORNING BOYS!” I scream at the top of my lungs, and since I was the only one who didn’t drink their weight in alcohol, I was up first “WAAAAAKEY WAAAAAAAKEY” I slam the wooden spoon into the pot at a tremendous pace, probably sketching me into the Guiness Book of Records. “What the hell Jay?!” Louis grumbles into his pillow “Not so fun when it’s you, is it?” I say, bringing the pot right next to Louis’ ear “I’ll give you three seconds before I slam this bad boy so hard into your eardrum that you won’t be able to hear your own sound check” Louis looks up from his pillow “Just do it man” Zayn also grumbles. Louis groans and sits up, “come on lads… we gotta go”.

god, I feel like their baby sitter, “Louis, can you stop pressing the buttons on the lift?!” I slap his hand away before he could click ‘roof’ “Niall, stop jumping, you are scaring Zayn!” I grab Nialls shoulder and hold him down like a weight “Zayn, STOP complaining!, Harry has a head ache” the elevator ‘dings’ on the bottom floor, we all step out. Wait, scratch that, we basically stumble out of the elevator and walk over to the lobby. “MORNING MICK!” Niall says, spinning himelf over to the couch... with the pancakes. I roll my eyes. Of course Niall. Of course. It’s when we are all sitting down with our heads in our hands that I realise there is a new addition to our crew. She smiles softly at me, and I smile back “You must be Jaycee, the girl who won that contest” she says, shaking my hand, I nod “Yep, that’s me” I say, eyeing Mick, and mouth the words “who’s this?” the girl looks over at the boys, judging them one at a time, and I can’t help by getting jealous when she stares at Harry for an extra second then the rest “I’m Alice” she says simply, tucking a piece of her long maroon straight hair behind her ear “Nice to meet you Alice” all the boys say in harmony, I felt my eye twitch “How old are you Alice?” Louis says, taking a step forward in front of the boys “17 and a half…” I watch as Louis’ eyes light up, well, he’s going to be distracted. “I’m your new best friend!” Alice says, jumping up and down, I can’t help but smile at how silly she was “pleased to meet you Alice, I’m Liam” he points to himself, then to the rest of the boys “And this is Louis, Harry, Niall and Zayn” Alice smiled, she kinda reminded me of that girl off that show… uhm, I think her name was Cat, and she was on Victorious… “Hey, uhm, there is a carnival in town, it’s just up the block from here, how about we get to know each other for a bit before I spend the next 4 months with you all” “So you aren’t staying for the full year?” for no particular reason, I actually felt a hint of depression when she said that, I liked Alice. “No, unfortunately” “Why are you with us anyway, not meaning to sound rude or anything, it’s just a question” Alice’s face goes blank, and she looks over at Mick “She’s my daughter” Mick says, smiling.

Take A Trip With The Boys #1 - A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now