
638 28 8

Monday January 21st 2019:

10:20 - Joe:
I hit 7 million subscribers!

10:45 - Joe:

10:50 - Joe:
Can we please pretend yesterday didn't happen?

10:53 - Amber:
But if we do pretend yesterday didn't happen, then the same thing will happen again, because we need to talk about all do this- MESS.

10:54 - Joe:

10:58 - Amber:
That's it? 'Ik'

11:00 - Joe:
What do you want me to say?

11:02 - Amber:
I'm not going to argue again

Nor am I going to discuss this over the phone

11:03 - Joe:
Yet you don't want to meet me, why?

11:05 - Amber:
Because I don't want to

11:06 - Joe:
It's not because 'it's complicated'

11:09 - Amber:

11:10 - Joe:
Well, if it wasn't 'complicated' you would've told Harvey about me, so clearly it is 'complicated'

11:16 - Amber:
What are you a detective? Maybe I don't want to begin a new relationship with the flush of our toilet

11:17 - Joe:
What? We have a toilet?

11:19 - Amber:
No Joe, it's a metaphor, not that you'd know

11:21 - Joe:
Right, well, meet me tomorrow

11:24 - Amber:
I can't I'm busy

11:25 - Joe:
No you're not, meet me

11:30 - Amber:
I am, I'm going out with Harvey and I'm not prepared to bail on him for you

11:32 - Joe:
You'll meet me after then

11:33 - Amber:
Why is it me meeting you? You can meet me

11:35 - Joe:
You meet me because you know I'll be early

11:38 - Amber:
Early to..?

11:40 - Joe:

11:44 - Amber:
We are not meeting in Starbucks

Your house or my house

11:45 - Joe:
You sure?

11:46 - Amber:
I'm not really prepared to be interrupted every few minutes by fans, we're meeting at yours- well I'll come to yours

11:49 - Joe:
At what time?

11:51 - Amber:
When I am done

11:52 - Joe:
Okayy xx

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