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Sunday September 13th 2018:

When I reached Joe's flat, I felt slightly suspicious as to whether I'd actually managed to find the right place, otherwise it could be an utter embarrassment to myself.

As I walked up to the door, I buzzed in. "Hello?" I asked as the speaker crackled.

"Oh hi, I'll let you in !" Joe's too familiar voice rang through the 80's system and I walked through to the actual, double white doors featured in many vlogs.

"Hey Amber, sorry we had to meet here and all but, I don't particularly want to be attached my screaming girls all day," he smiled, lifting his hand to the back of his neck, slight an older signature pose now but it was quite the one with the ladies to be fair.

"Then why did you want me to come round?" I joked, and we laughed in unison.

"Now, come in, it's mildly breezy," Joe spoke in a deliberately posh tone. Normally, going into someone's house for the first time I'd be a bit wary of where to put my bags down or where to sit but I left my handbag by the door next to the table and sat on one of the chairs. Joe joined me sitting opposite.

"So, I feel as though we should catch up !" I laughed, "although, I know most of the things about you from your vlogs, but what about your personal life? Like with Courtney, like it's been three whole years for Petes sake, so catch me up." I laughed again, my mind drifted to the last couple of times we talked about Courtney, I couldn't even remember if they were on or off the last time.

"Well, that's true that you know the majority of things and with Courtney, we stayed in touch but only as friends and like what I said about my agent before, I don't reply to many people as she was just messaging me after I practically became famous. If I'm honest, it wasn't that big a loss. Besides, I'm here in London now so, I don't really see her ever. What about you? I know you and Kim made up but what about you and Sam?" He asked and it felt so good to be having these kind of text conversations in real life, face to face.

"Well, as you know, Kim and I made up but not properly, we just sort of bonded over, well, you really, but in different ways - except she didn't know that. She was like your super-fan, whereas I thought of myself as a friend, not that anyone knows and I plan on keeping it that way, but still. And with Sam, we're on good terms, but he did ask me out a couple times and I declined," his face was so amazing. Like not amazing as in fit or good looking, but it made it seem every bit more real that I was here.

"Why did you decline?" He said, beginning to get up from his seat, "I am listening, I'll just get some snacks, keep talking."

"Well, because I basically took on board everything you said about him not being worth it and stuff, I realised it was true and I deserved better - not being cocky - and I preferred him as a friend." He returned with a packet of Doritos under one arm, a bottle of Coke under the other and a roulette of various dips in his hands. "This feels so unreal," I blurted out.

"In which way?" He put all the food items down, going back for some glasses.

"Like, I hadn't spoken to you for three years and I practically expected it to have just gone away, but you remembered me right away and it was so odd, the feeling. And here, I wouldn't have thought of this moment back with 18 year old Joe from Bath," and it was true, talking before, I suppose I always expected it to blow over because it does, like everything in my life, it'll end. But three years later, I'm sitting with not only one of my oldest friends, but also a guy adored by millions, it's so surreal," he came back, sitting down, he smiled at me as a reply. My head whipped round as I heard the door unlocking, practically making me jump out of my skin. The tall guy walked in.

"Oh, I'm sorry to intrude," he placed his bags next to mine, he hesitated slightly making me think I'd put my bags in 'his spot'. "Hi," he stuck a hand out to me;

"I'm Caspar."

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