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Friday November 10th 2016:

Tonight was the last night in Australia and a massive party had been planned for anyone involved in the tour. I'd never been a huge drinker but ever since I read a story in a newspaper about a guy who got so drunk he passed out on the pavement, cracked his head open and died in hospital the following morning, I stopped having alcohol at parties. However, I was very aware that Joe did like the occasional alcoholic beverage.

'Do you promise not to get too drunk?' Joe and I laid together on the bed whilst Caspar messed around with the remote trying to find Friends on a channel they provided. I was playing with Joe's fingers before placing my hand in his. The last couple of days there haven't been any problems and he's actually been acting like the Joe in every imagine you (I) ever read.

'I promise, it's not going to be that late a party anyway, I'm sure Caspar will keep an eye on me!' Caspar laughed and threw a thumbs up in my direction as he accidentally put Spanish subtitles on. 'And are you sure you don't want to come? It'll be loads of fun,' I shook my head. If only be a burden on Joe and/or Caspar and if I wasn't drinking, I'd be panicking about Joe drinking and that's bad for everyone.

'At least come for the meal, then, then you can leave - when Joe gets ok the dance floor that is!' Joe stuck his foot over and kicked him to which he muttered a small bark of pain.

'Okay, but as soon as it's starts getting crowded, I'm out!' Finally, he found a show that satisfied his needs and put the remote down. I'm glad Caspar didn't feel like a third wheeler because I certainly felt like we were leaving him out. The boys had both been vlogging the majority of the trip and I'd been sure to stay out of the way. It was actually Stacey who informed me that was the same reason she stayed out of it, because she didn't want to be someone else's famous as she put it. Of course, I didn't really understand but me and her talked out of earshot anytime they turned the camera on.

People seemed to respect Caspar's words too because whenever we walked around, it'd be the three of us and I'd make sure not to make any public displays of affection to Joe (or Caspar if we were trying to play a role) and no ones snapped any unwanted photos, posted them anywhere or brought up anymore questions about it in Q&A sessions.

'So what are you going to where?' I asked. I had been informed of the party's existence before we left so I had managed to pack a small black number but it was nothing fancy however, I'd never seen Joe all dressed up before.

'Probably the suits we got for the premiere, I brought two here with me in case but I feel like it'll be good to wear that one, you know?' I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder, watching the cheesy-all-too-predictable Australian sitcom.

'Joe's is like, navy, because he's an idiot and didn't think we should match even though we're the stars, I think he just wanted to be superior!' Caspar laughed loudly, his accent taking a few moments to settle in my mind. 'But I guess your excuse is going to be that it suits you better? Because I've totally heard that joke before,' once again, Joe stuck out a foot and kicked Caspar but a little harder so he went sliding off the side of the bed. We both burst out in laughter.  He muttered a few curse words on the way down that were muffled by the thud that he produced when he hit the floor.

'Remind me why I'm your friend?' He huffed, pulling himself up onto his own bed instead, probably in fear of another beating.

'Because I have more subscribers than you,' Joe shrugged and this would've been the moment where Caspar kicked Joe, instead, he threw a pillow in our direction which (luckily) he batted away with his right arm or the one he didn't have wrapped around me.

'Look, lovebirds, I need to get dressed so I suggest that unless you wish to see my bare ass-' with his accent, he pronounced it as if he were American, '-that you get ready and get yourselves ready too!' I rolled off my side of the bed, stretching myself out after being in the same position for so long. Joe did the same.

'Right, I'll come by your room around 7,' Joe pulled me into a hug and I got a whiff of his Spicebomb aftershave he uses so generously.

'See ya!' I gave Caspar a little wave as I left. I got the feeling you get when you leave two people, thinking they're going to start talking about you, except, this time I didn't think about it in a bad way but instead a really, really great way. And I'm sure- sure- I skipped back to my room, passing a couple in the corridor who stared at me blankly.

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