Chapter 9

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Sorry it's short. i have Mock exams all this week, and i'm stressing about coursework. Anyway, hope you enjoy it and plz vote and comment. Thank-you.


Chapter 9

I took off my dirty clothes when I was in the bathroom and looked into the full length mirror in front of me. I haven’t looked in one of these since I was about seven. I looked over my mal-nutritioned body staring intently at each blue and green bruise that covered it. They covered my upper arms and there were some on my wrist. My stomach looked gray and ugly but I can’t remember why it was, I may have passed out during a beating and didn’t realise the extent of the bruising. My hair was greasy and looked scruffy from my sleep.

Then I decided that I had looked at my body enough so I went to run a bath because I was not sure if I could stand for much longer.

After about 5 minutes of the water running I stepped in and laid there for what seemed like hours. It probably wasn’t though.

I then got out and let the water run out the bath-tub and I then wiped the excess water off me the towel dried my hair before stepping out of the bathroom.

As Blake had said there were clothes on his bed (a red t-shirt and a pair of black jeans) so I put them on and tied my hair in a bun before stepping out off the room. I saw there was a clear, grand staircase in the middle of the landing. The house was magnificent and better than I could have imagined it to be. The walls were a cream colour that screamed elegance and wealth. There were at least three tables with flowers on them positioned outside every door that I could see in the part of the house.

Gingerly, I then stepped down the marble steps to then look around and see a man that looked like Blake whose hair shined in the light that glimmered through the French doors I could see. Unfortunately I could not see his face because his back was to me.

This made me unsure of what to do so I just said “Hey…” suddenly the guys back stiffened and he slowly turned around. He was not Blake.



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