Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3

I walked slowly passed the bitches, bullies and nerd’s because I was early for school and my locker was close by so I was defiantly not going to be late. Everyone was stood in crowds around their expensive cars' although a group which was normally there was not, Blake’s group of jocks. I shrugged it off though and whispered to myself, “there probably off doing something illegal.” I walked passed every crowd and through the alley way which lead to the court-yard which also unfortunately held my locker. My last one got smashed up so my teacher moved me to the block of spare ones.

Consequently this was also where the popular kids sometimes hung out because the car park would get too crowded. Not many people knew where the alley way lead to so I was safe from the bimbos which treated me like dirt. Only the bullies that enjoyed beating nerds up knew that this lead to an abandoned court-yard where they could beat people without getting caught except by Mr. Johnson who is my teacher (the one who gave me this locker).

I hummed to myself as I wondered down the narrow path between two brick walls. Graffiti and gum covered them it was king of gross but I had to take the path.

“When I tell you to do something you do it, ok?” I heard a masculine voice say as I turned the corner not expecting to see anyone there. “Do you understand?” he shouted into Tyler’s face.

“Yes Blake I won’t do it again, just please put me down.” Tyler was seriously pleading but wouldn’t you?

It turns of Blake and his friends were doing something illegal and i had just stepped into the middle of it. I quickly figured out what was going on, two jocks where holding Tyler, a nerd, by his arms as Blake was punching him in the stomach.

This made the pain on my stomach to fare up again remembering how much it had hurt the day before. I didn’t even think about what I did next. Before another punch collided with Tyler, I ran in front of him and looked into Blake’s deep brown eyes. His brown silky hair was perfectly styled and made him look like that sexy bad boy that you see around town. He stopped in a second and his eyes went from full on rage to soft. Although I could see his change of mood in his eyes he kept up his act so his friends didn’t catch on that he wasn’t angry anymore.

“What are you doing?” I asked in a calm and quiet voice so only Blake could hear.

“None of your business” he whispered back to me. Before I could say another word a teacher came running through the alley way and shouted to us “all of you come with me now!” although he had shouted no body moved until Blake did which surprised me. We all followed Mr. Johnson to his office where we all sat outside.

“Right, Blake and Valerie come in first. When they leave all of you guys apart from Tyler come in then you, Tyler come in alone.”

He walked in to his office with me and Blake following while he was tutting at us like we should know better even though I technically didn’t do anything.


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