Stop Running (Zak Bagans Fanfic)

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My name is Lea O'Conner and I see the bad things around people. I am able to see what hangs around people. It's like their own demons that hang around them. They usually don't do much, but once in a while, something will happen. That is usually when I know that I need to help them. Most attatchments are cureable, but this one was more than just one attatchment.

I was just supposed to be working. I am a libriarian. It isn't exciting, but I don't deal with many people and I like the quiet. I have a degree in literature and poetry, but I could never really find something that I liked to do with it. So instead, I became a 30 year old librairian.

Today got weird, once I saw three grown men walk in. Most men came in by themselves. They also seemed to be on a mission. There was one that was bald and he had a goatee. I saw that he had a couple of attatchments, but there weren't that many. the second one had his hair slicked back and he seemed to be very lean. He also had attatchments, but they weren't too bad. He seemed to be getting help with them. Then there was the last once. He was larger than the others and he had his hair in a stupid fin. But he had the most attatchments. I had no idea how someone could get that many.

"Excuse me, but do you know where the local records are kept?" The bald one said as he walked up to my desk. I nodded my head and I got up.

"Let's make somethings go boom!" One of the demons said. I sighed and walked the three men to the records.

"Here they all are. Let me know if you need anything else." I told them. they all smiled at me and grabbed some books. Then I saw two of the demons come over to me. I stood there and looked at them as they then started to mess with my skirt.

"Damn it. I see you." I said to them. They looked at me and ran off.

"We see you too." The lean one said. I then started to blush.

"I am sorry. I wasn't refferring to you." I told them. I then walked back to my desk. I could see the men from my desk.

When I looked up, I would see that the larger of the men was having a hard tome concentrating. There were too many distractions for him. I decided to give him a safe place, for a while. I picked up some of my oils. I grabbed my sage oil and I placed it around them. That made the demons calm a little.

"Excuse me, but do you know if there is anything on the Mayor's house?" They asked me. I looked at them and smiled.

"Yes, there is a couple of lores about the place." I told them. The large one with demons then pulled out the chair next to him, for me to sit at. I sighed and walked over to him. The demons were smiling at me.

"What can you tell us?" The bald one asked.

"Well, there have been two suicides, three murders, and there was a shooting in front of the building. This all happened when the town was just starting out. The people couldn't really choose who they wanted for mayor." I told them. I tried to look at all of them, but I ended up staring at the demons. I was trying to figure out which ones were harmful.

"That is what the people over there told us. Are any of these documented?" The lean one asked. I sighed and grabbed a book. I opened it and it showed the documented ones. It was the suicides and one of the murders.

"Thanks, this has helped a lot." They told me. I sighed and looked at the demons again. I knew that ther had messed with me. I then saw that they had poured my oils on my skirt, roght over my crotch.

"Shit-fire!" I said quietly. They then looked at me, like I was insane. Well, I was, but that wasn't the point.

"Are you okay....? Um, what is your name again?" The lean one said. I sighed and scooted my self closer to the table, to hide the stain.

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