The Haunted House

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College class was over for the day and you were about to step into your car when you hear your name being called.

"Y/n! Hey!"

You stop and turn around towards the voice. Marcel, the nice boy from your math class is running towards you.

"Hey Marcel. What do you need?" You smile up at him. He was very tall, over six feet at least.

"Um, actually you know how we were talking about Haunted Houses today?" He smooths down his already gelled hair. He must be nervous.

"Yeah, why?" You place your hand on your hip waiting for an answer.

"Well, d-did you want to go to one with me?" He finally asks and looks down at you.

"Like when?" You ask and his eyes light up.

"Well tonight! I could, uh,  pick you up or something?"

"Hmmm. Which one are you talking about?" You chuckle at how cute he was being, well for a nerdy guy at least. He wasn't that bad looking.

"Statesville" He smiles and your shocked.

That's supposed to be one of the scariest and it was actually haunted too. They even had a deal that if you made it through, you got your money back.

"Seriously?" You mouth gapes.

"Why? You don't want to go there?" Marcel says worriedly, disappointment clear on his face.

"No, I'd love too. Just that I would probably pee myself." You laugh awkwardly.

"Oh." He clearly doesn't know what to say to that.

"So you'll come pick me up?"

"Of course, Y/n." The smile returns to his face. You notice two prominent dimples that you hadn't before.

"Cool. Here let me write down my address and you can come at like 7?" You suggest and turn around to grab some paper.

"Uh, y-yeah." He stutters and takes the paper from you. You scrawled your first and last name on the paper above your address and phone number. You hope that Marcel wasn't some crazy stalker.

"I'll see you then!" You say excitedly and hug him before getting into your car. He stands there stunned for a moment before he smiles and waves goodbye.

He' s actually pretty cute. I can't wait for tonight. You think to yourself as you pull away watching Marcel walk to his car.








"Mom!" You yell into the kitchen. "I'm leaving now. He's here."

"Oh! Let me see him!" She follows you to the door.

"Moooom." You pout and she stands her ground.

"Open the door and let him in." She points towards the door which Marcel was standing behind.

"Fine." You pull open the door and your mouth drops. The boy standing there could not be Marcel. He's dressed in a fitted American Eagle hoodie, dark washed jeans, and sneakers. His hair is curly, curly? He isn't even wearing his glasses.

"H-hey." It's you who is stuttering this time.

"H-hi." He stutters back letting you know that this in fact is Marcel Styles.

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