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The next day...

Saturday School ..3:35 p.m.

"But Mrs. Rhyne , I have to leave early because I need to start packing , get ready for prom, and reassure Kade's brother that I will be back before midnight , and-", Chay pleadingly said.

"Alright, go ahead ", Mrs. Rhyne said laughing.

"Oh my God, you're the best teacher in the whole world, thank you so much", Chay said as she hugged her around her neck.

"Your welcome , I'll tell Mr. Hamer to let Kade leave early as well"

As Chay ran towards the door of Mr. Hamer's classroom , the door suddenly swung open and just barley missed Chay's face.

"Woah, I'm sorry Chay , I got the news you two are leaving early " , Mr. Hamer said.

"It's okay , yeah we are , but tell Kade I gotta run , Morgan is my ride"

"Will do"

Chay ran back to the front door , and saw Morgan pull up ,and she said , "Hey girl ,hope in". When they arrived at Chay's house they started getting ready , "Girl , I'm so pumped for tonight", Morgan said as she took her dress out of a garment bag. "Oh my God, that's beautiful Morgan", Chay said.

"Thanks , your dress is amazing "

"Your welcome , thanks "

5:30 p.m.
30 minutes until Prom..

"Chay , c'mon I'm sure you look fine ", Morgan said as she straightened her hair. Chay walked out , and said ,"So..what do you think?"

"Wow , you look good "

"Awww , thanks. You look great as are you ready?"

"Yeah let's go"

When the girls arrived at the school gymnasium , they walked and the first person they saw was ...Richie? Chay wasn't going to let him ruin her prom , so she can walked up to him , and said , "What do you think you're doing here?"

"Oh let's it wonderful to see you too daughter"

"Don't feed me the crap, we both know I'm not your daughter "

"What are you talking about?"

"Jared told me everything. About Antonio , Amy , you , everything"

"You should know one more thing , I cared for your family "

"What about Kade and his mom?"

"I care about them as well , and I'm sorry for what have done to your family "

"I accept your apology , but I expect you to stay away , and leave our families alone"

"I understand", Richie said as he walked away. Chay was glad she didn't have to deal with him anymore.

"What did he want?", Morgan said.

"He was apologizing for what he did"

"Hmm , well let's get something to drink"

Westyn was working the snack and drink table , when he saw the girls , he said , "Hey girls , how are y'all doing?".

"Good , have you seen Kade?", Chay asked.

"No , he texted me , and told me he would be about 10 minutes late"

"Oh okay ..can I get some punch"

"Yes , of course", Westyn said as he handed Chay her drink.

"Girl , let's go dance while we wait on the boys to get here", Morgan said.

"Let's go", Chay agreed. The girls danced like there was no tomorrow , Chay was having a great time with her best friend , and she could actually be honest with herself and sat that she was happy.

* * * *

Kade hurried , and texted Jared :

Hey , has Chay left yet?

Yeah, she's been gone


Kade was grabbing a ride with Donovan , he should be here any minute. Kade didn't want to focus on Chay moving away , meeting his older brother , nothing. The only thing he wants to focus on is having a good time with his girlfriend and his friends.

As Kade was putting on his aquamarine neck tie , there was a knock at the door. He opened the door , it was Donovan.

"Hey bro , you look nice , are you ready to go?", Donovan asked.

"Yeah , let's go ", Kade answered.

When the boys arrived at the school , Kade saw the girls waiting for them. Chay looked up and saw them , she immediately started to run toward them. She looked so beautiful in her dress , he loved how her dress complimented her dark hair...Kade knew their love would last no matter how many miles is between them.....


Kade saw Chay fall to the ground as a car hit her and kept going. He ran out to her and put her in his arms as if she were a baby , and yelled, "Somebody call the police!! Chay got hit by a car , and she is out cold!!"

"I'm calling them now", Donovan said as he checked for Chay's pulse , "she has a pulse", Donovan stood up and called 911. "Oh my God", Morgan said ,she knelt down looked up at Kade , and said , "What happened? It everything happened so quickly ".

"Well I think it was a hit and run..I ..I don't know " Kade said with panic in his voice.

"It's okay , Kade , she'll be fine , she's strong", Morgan said. Donovan jogged up to them , and said , "The Ambulance is on their way , it's going to be okay Kade". Everyone that was standing in the parking lot ran up to him , and surrounded Chay like hawks.

Kade knew he was going to hear this alot , he had to do something ... he had to save her.

Within Arms Reach |The Unbroken Series : Book One|Where stories live. Discover now