What You Hate , You Will Become

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"Yes he is" , Jared replied. Chay was lost for words, Antonio has always worked for her mother for as long as she can remember.

"Wait a second, then why did mom tell me that Richie was my dad?", she said confused.

"Because she wanted to protect you , and to be completely honest, she doesn't know I'm telling you this-"

"Protect me by ruining the best relationship I've ever had with someone , that's pretty screwed up if you ask me"

"Chay you have to understand something, the reason why your dad left before you were born is because she found out he was cheating on her"

"But she was apart of the same thing that ruined her marriage"

"Well you know how the saying goes, what you hate ,you will become", Jared said. Chay had to confront her mother about this , "I need to go home , talk to my mom", she said.

"Well the thing is your mother already left for Nashville , and I'm supposed to drive you there"

"What about Richie? Is he moving in with Chay?" , Kade said concerned.

"No , she dumped him last night at Eat & Sing", Jared replied.

Thank God , Chay thought. "So is she expecting me to be there today?" , Chay asked.

"No , she left two weeks early to get everything finalized with NP, and the house we will be living in"

"Wait, your living with us?"

"Duh, I have to watch over you at NP ,and the best thing for me to do is move in with you"

"What is my mother is worried about? What is she protecting me from?"

"The boogie monster, no I'm kidding. I honestly have no idea, but one way or another I'm going to find out"

"Well I'm glad your going with her , Jared , I really appreciate it", Kade said looking relieved.

"No problem little brother , I'm going to take care of her , and you too. But if we are going to be in Nashville in two weeks then we better start packing", Jared said looking at Chay.

* * * *

"Did you tell her yet?", Antonio asked.

"No, she's not ready...not yet-", replied Brianna

"Don't keep saying that , she's needs to know. I'm glad you let me move with you all , I really do appreciate it"

"Your welcome"

"Well I'm going to start unpack my belongings"

"Wait , Ant , um I've been wanting to tell you this for a few months now...I want to get married , and I know we never did while we were together , but our baby girl is growing up , and I want her to know you as her dad , and not as her personal chef. I love you....so I guess there's only one more thing to do", as Brianna bent down on one knee , she asked, "Antonio , will you marry me?"

* * * *

"This is your car?", Chay asked, as she and Jared walked up to it.

"Yes , it's a 1967 Chevy Impala, pretty sick right?"

"Yeah , it's a really cool car"

"Thanks , are you going to get in ,or are you walking?"

"Oh right , yeah I'm getting in", Chay replied.

They pulled in the driveway, and walked in the house. "Wow I guess my mom doesn't want any of the furniture" , Chay assumed, because everything was gone in the living room , except for the furniture.

"She does actually, she is going to have a moving company bring to Nashville", Jared replied, "Oh ,and I almost forgot , your mom mentioned to me that your prom is tomorrow night , and your dress is upstairs , and-", Jared said , but didn't get to finish, because Chay jetted upstairs. She ran into her bedroom , and it was on her bed. The dress color is a aqua blue , with sequins on the torso. It was gorgeous, she loved it. "It's so..it's so beautiful", Chay whispered.

"It was supposed to be a surprise", Jared said , standing at the door.

"Surprise!! I love it so much!", Chay said excited. Jared just smiled , and shook his head. As Chay gazed at the dress , she got a text , it was from Morgan , and it read:

Hey girl! What are you doing tonight? I was thinking we could have a farewell party for you before you move , I already texted all of the guys , and they are up to do it 😊

Yeah that sounds great! I hope you don't mind if I bring a guest , it's Kade's older brother ,Jared

Wait! Kade has a brother??

Yeah , I will explain everything to you tonight

Within Arms Reach |The Unbroken Series : Book One|Where stories live. Discover now