I am your keeper

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"Sure , come on in", Kade replied. Jared examined the house , he steadily gazed at Chay , "So are you guys dating?"

"Yeah , why?"

"I was just wondering, so where do you go to school?"

"Karns High"

"Hmm", Jared knew Kade was suspicious of him. "I'm going to be completely honest, and tell you the reason why I am here", Jared started , but was interrupted when Chay started to get up , "Hey Chay what's wrong ?", asked Kade.

"Um..I think I'm seeing double"

"Oh , you must be Chay", Jared replied before Kade could.

"Yes I am , and you are?"

"I'm Jared ,and I'm Kade's brother".

Oh God this is Jared? The one that is supposed to 'watch' over me at NP? Was he going to move with me to Nashville? , so many things were running through Chay's mind.

"So um I see you like the Avengers " , Jared continued. "Oh yeah , I fell asleep watching it , but yes I do like the Avengers", Chay said.

"So who is your favorite?"

"I'd have to say Thor"

"Okay , well my personal favorite is Captain America"

"Nice , he's cool too"

As they all talked , a pang of guilt hit Chay in the stomach because she didn't even tell Kade that he had an older brother , and she knew it.

"What's going on in here Kade?", Amy asked as she looked up at him , she was startled , she didn't expect to see her eldest son in her home. "Oh my goodness , Jared , I wasn't expecting to see you-"

"Wait, you knew this was your kid?...wait let me start over. You didn't tell me I had a brother? After all of these years you didn't you tell me?" , Kade started to say , but his mom came in , and said , " Wait, I thought you read his letter that I left in the restroom?"

"I didn't read anything, why do you ask?"

"Because it wasn't folded the way I had it". Oh God , oh God , Chay couldn't hold it in any longer , so she said , "I read it last night..", everyone just looked at her, "I didn't tell you Kade because I was already telling  you about my scholarship at NP, and I didn't want you to be upset.. I wanted us to have fun before I move , and-"

"But Chay , that's my brother. I wouldn't have been upset , I would have been glad to know I have a sibling , but finding out like this? C'mon how were you going let me find out? Run into him at the grocery store or anywhere else?"

"Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you, and I'm sorry for being selfish. I can leave if you want me to".

"No , don't leave, I need to talk to the both you", Jared said pointing at Kade and Chay. They both just nodded at him in agreement.

Jared explained everything to them. "So if Richie isn't my father, than who is?" , Chay asked.

"Are you sure you want to know?", Jared replied.


"First let me explain why you were confused about why your mother called so many times. She wants me to watch over at NP because she doesn't anyone hurting you. I am you and Kade's keeper , I didn't just come back to revisit old graves, I sworn my life to protect you both. Kade , you know you love Chay , she made a mistake ,and she said she was sorry about what she didn't do. Now Chay , you did the right thing by apologizing , but I didn't say this stuff to get all mushy , I said because we don't have time for arguments".

"Okay, well how does this information tie to my dad?", Chay said pushing it.

"I'm getting there. Your mother and father got into it when she was pregnant with you , and he left her with you and with almost nothing. That's when she got her degree in childcare , and became a director. Your dad has had so much guilt off of what he did to you and your mother , he was willing to work for her ,just to spend time with you".

"Are you saying Antonio is my dad?!"

Within Arms Reach |The Unbroken Series : Book One|Where stories live. Discover now