Family Affair

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" Hello Chay." , Richie said creepily,

" Don't you dare talk to me , you sorry piece of-" , replied Chay, but cut of by Richie, he said , " Now is that any to talk your Dad? " .

" You'll never be my Dad. Anybody can be a Father, but not everybody can be a Dad."

Brianna just gave Richie a look that said shut up. So the only thing Brianna said was , "Well are we going to just stand here or our we going to have some fun?! " , Chay lied and said , " I actually already have plans with some friends , so I better get going " , " Don't you need a ride cupcake? " Richie said smirking. Chay just calmly walked up beside him to get outside the door and said, " Why don't you go play on the interstate with some scissors, pig " , and walked out the door.

Chay didn't really have plans so she called Kade, but all she got was his voicemail :

" Hey you've reached Kade, and I will call you back as soon as I can, byyeeee"

So she left a message, trying not to bust in tears :

"Hey Kade, it's Chay , and um..I'm in Market Square , and if you want to meet up later that would be cool. Well I guess I'll talk to you later , I love you bye"

And with that , she hung up . Chay couldn't believe that she was moving to Nashville, she assumed that Richie was coming with her and her mother. She was just waking watching little kids play with their parents at the local park..... all of a sudden she heard a familiar voice shout her name . " CHAY, HEY CHAY OVER HERE!"

She knew that voice like the back of her hand .... it was Morgan , she turned around and saw her , Caleb , and Westyn walking out of Rita's and enjoying Italian ice and she walked over to Morgan and the boys. " Hey guys what's up?" , Westyn looked over at Chay and said, " Oh nothing, but I heard a really hot girl is moving to Nashville ,and she is one of my best friends ". Westyn was always the charmer but they were always just friends, " Haha thanks Wes, I was excited to move but not so much " , "Why not? Its Music City for crying out loud " , said Caleb. " Yeah I know but -" , Chay tried not to cry but before she could finish, she started balling, everybody went into shock, " Chay come on sweetie talk to me, you know when you start crying you start to hyperventilate , so you need to calm down and tell us why you are crying " , Morgan said soothing Chay.

Chay explained EVERYTHING. She felt drained after she told them what had happened in the past 48 hours of her life. Morgan was almost in tears, Caleb and Westyn was still in shock , the silence broke when Chay's phone started ringing, she grabbed it from her back pocket - it was Kade wanting to Facetime, she answered.

"Hey babe, what's going on?"

Chay felt so relieved to see his face and hear his beautiful voice.

"Hi ... umm nothing much just hanging out with Sam, Caleb, and Wes. What about you? "

"Oh um nothing just about to meet up with you guys, Caleb texted me '911' so I thought it was urgent, where are you at?"

"In front of Rita's"

"Okay I'll see you in a few, Chay?"


"You know I love you, right?"

"Yes, I love you too Kade "

"No matter what might happen between us, I will always love you Chay Grace Richardson  "

"I will always love you too Kadeyn Grayson Perry"

And with that the call ended, Chay didn't know what was was to come of this day, but she did know this is going to be a bad family affair.

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