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A few hours later the whole gang was in lunch. Kade, Chay, Caleb , Donovan, Morgan, and Westyn. They all had been friends since elementary school, except for Westyn. They had been friends with him since the 7th grade. They were all like family to each other. Lunch was there favorite period of the day, not just because they got to eat, but they all got to hang out with each other. Kade , Chay , Donovan, and Westyn were all Sophomores. But Caleb and Morgan were Juniors. Kade and Chay couldn't help but to be giddy. They were finally going out with each other for crying out loud!

"Okay you two, what's going on?", Morgan asked. She could read Chay like a book. Chay and Kade glanced over at each other and laughed. "It's all over you , so go ahead. Spill the beans"

"Okay fine", Kade getting up and standing up on his chair, "Okay can I get everyone's attention please?!". All of the kids in the cafeteria stared at him with confused looks. The jocks. The preps. the outcasts. Everyone's eyes were on Kade.

"I have an announcement to make. Since Chay and I are dating now", Kade said proudly. Chay heard Morgan gasp with excitement. Everyone was excited for them, but when Chay glanced over at Westyn he wasn't excited. He wasn't shocked. He looked as if he had no emotion.

"Hey are you okay?", Chay asked by texting him. Westyn read her text ,looked up at her , and smiled.

"Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about me lol", he texted back.

Chay just smiled at him ,then looked back up at Kade.

"I guess there's only once more things for me to do ,right? Chay? Will you go to prom with me?", Kade finished and got down off of the chair.

"Yes! Of course!", Chay said laughing and hugging him. Everyone clapped and quite a few said "Aww".

"Okay people thank you for your time. Now back to your regular scheduled programming", Kade by sitting back down. Everyone at there table laughing ,and was so happy. This is what Chay considered her family and she knew that nothing would ever happen to ruin their friendships.

Within Arms Reach |The Unbroken Series : Book One|Where stories live. Discover now