Chapter Two - Scottish Beauty

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Chapter Two

Castle McKenna

Four McKenna men paced the great hall, waiting for a report from Margo about the lass.    Margo clucked like a mother hen when Andrew had carried her into the castle.    The long-time servant ordered the household maids to ready a chamber for her and produce hot water, clean linens, herbs, and other items needed to treat the woman.

“Da,” Andrew said as he took a seat beside his Father at the table.  He noticed his father fingering the plaid.   “Have you ever seen a plaid before with like colours?”

“Aye, I have son, only ‘twas many years ago.   I do not remember which clan it was.  Most likely a Lowlander though.”  Angus replied still studying the garment.

“What will you do with her?” Ian asked.

Angus looked haggard.  The early morning news that his sons were on a raid, secretly pleased him.  Knowing that Andrew took it upon himself to see to the needs of the clan, protecting their own, made Angus beam with pride.  The weariness on his face involved the young woman’s state of health and her horrendous encounter on McKenna lands. 

 Rubbing his hands across his weather face, he replied.  ”I’m not sure yet Ian, tis too early to tell.   We need to speak to the lass first.   Find out who she is, where she is from.   Then we can send word to her clan.”

Angus didn’t miss his elder son’s reaction to contacting the girl’s clan or Robert’s abrupt turn to face him.  Both had developed a strong concern with the girl within the last few hours.

“What else can you tell me about where you found her?” Angus asked.

“Da, I already told ye...” Andrew began, but immediately stopped when Margo entered the room.

Angus rose from the high table and approached his long time friend and servant.   “How fares the lass?”

“She rests now, Laird.    She is a verra strong lass, she put up a good fight against her attacker.  Ye know, I found the bastard’s skin under her finger nails.   She must have clawed at him while he raped her,” Margo spoke with a tear in her eye.

“She was raped then?”  Angus asked already knowing the answer.  Andrew’s accounting of the girl’s condition confirmed his suspicions.

“Aye,” replied Margo, “the poor thing was raped.”

“Repeatedly?”  Angus pursued, needing more information, as surprise and anger registered on his son’s faces.

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