Chapter XIII

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I opened my eyes to find myself in a pool of sticky red goo. I slowly lifted my arm and the goo stretched with it.

I felt like throwing up, it looked disgusting. I hurriedly jumped out of the goo and stumbled into a soft gooey wall. I pushed off the wall and looked around the cave-like structure. It was covered by red goo, with brown walls and above me was a wall with lava flowing through it which illuminated the tunnel. In front of me were two tunnels one on the left, another to the right both connected to one wall in between them.

Okay, Melissa calm down. Try and remember how you got here, come on try and remember...

Suddenly it came to me.

When the hellhound had bit after me, I had jumped into his mouth before his teeth caught me. I'd ran on his tongue as he chopped down. His long red, lava-filled tongue swirled and turned, causing me to drop onto one of his molars as he was about to chop down. I had scrambled to my feet, jumped and fell at the red gap at the back of his mouth. His saliva was burning my shoes but not too badly allowing me to move without much pain.

I had assessed the situation and noticed I had two ways to go, up or down.

I pulled out a big blade, cut a long strip off my top, leaving enough cloth to cover my boobs. I tied the strip to the blade and got into motion. I breathe in, ran left onto his tongue to the opening leading to the throat and jumped. As I fell I threw the blade above me with as much strength as I could accumulate. It thankfully caught into the cracks at the soft palate. I gripped the string and it held me up. I heard the hound howl in pain and felt it shake.

I could also hear the string ripping as he shook, using his shaking as an advantage. I gained enough force to swing to the back of his throat, kicking off upwards towards the blade and caught the part of the strip near to the blade. I then used my free hand to pull out two more blades stuck them in the cracks, grabbing them tightly, pain surging through my palms as I did. Using them as hooks, I climbed up the palate like it was a mountain, the farther up I went the cooler and more oxygenated the air was. I was nearly suffocating when I was in his mouth, there was too much of the other gases and little oxygen.

I climbed until finally, I reached the area leading to the nose. I climbed up struggling as the air was so forceful, after a while I finally pulled myself up.

"Finally," I breathe happily.

I was alive and could breathe freely. I laid there on the red floor resting until I drifted off into darkness... Now I'm awake and here.

I ran my aching hands in my hair and the goo attached to it. I shook violently and then tried to calm myself. Once I calmed down I looked around and came up with a plan.

I was now in his nose so if I took one of the tunnels/nostrils I would eventually find my way out of his nose. So all I need to do now is to choose a path, left or right.

I stayed stationary for a while deciding which I should choose until I finally chose the right. Wasting no time, I walked towards it, realizing that this was going to be a long walk.

A Hellhound's nose was about 12 inches long and I was about 5 cm tall so that was going to take a toll on my body.

Imagine if its nose is so long what about its... Okay, Mel nice job of grossing yourself out.

I walked into the right nostril, inside of it was covered in red goo which I figured was mucus, the walls were brown with cracks that had lava flowing in them.

This was worse than inside of April's bro's locker back in the Academy. Trust me when we did karate his clothes were stuffed up in there for months and it smelt like a rat died in there. After a while he cleaned it out because they forced him to, they believed that he was hiding a dead body in there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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