Chapter IX

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Her tail wrapped around me, squeezing the life out of me. I was going to blackout anytime now. I needed a plan.

Then I remembered...

I struggled to move my hand close to my pockets if I could just reach it... Got it!

I grabbed a piece of glass that I broke from the hand mirror in my room and jammed it into Ashanti's tail, she hissed in pain before swiftly releasing me.

I dropped to the ground, landing on my feet and stuck my hand in my pockets. There were just enough to take care of her. I mentally thank the heavens...

I grabbed hold of the pieces of glass in my pockets and attacked her. I ran towards her, using a tree to propel me upwards and threw the pieces of glass at her. The glasses stuck in her scales and she cried out in pain.

I landed before barrelling towards her swinging my right hand, releasing pieces of glass towards her and swung my left hand releasing another set of glass towards her.

She yelled in pain, failing to block every one...

For a snake she's not that slippery.

I ran up a tree, jumping on her head and I punched her temple as she swung back and forth. I used a piece of glass and stuck it on her scale to keep me in place. She hissed out, flinging herself against a tree and knocked me off her. I landed on my feet and she slithered over to me, mouth opened.

I jumped back avoiding her attack.

I ran towards the lake and jumped reaching upwards until I caught a vine. I swung on the vine and Ashanti propelled off the ground towards me. I released the vine and thrust my body towards her a glass fragment in my hand, stabbing her in her eye.

She went ballistic.

I ran on her body down to her tail, jumping off and rolling on the ground.

Ashanti released an ear-splitting scream as she changed back into her human form and landed in the lake. Smoke emitting from said lake.

I waited a while, to see if she would reappear but, she didn't.

"Round One, Agent Forbes Wins," the announcer broadcasted.


She was done for. I looked around and saw an opening appear where the trees were, walked over to it and found myself surrounded by three weapons.

There were a spear, blades and a bow and arrow.

I reached out and grabbed the blades. A bag appeared around my waist and inside were blades. The blades had an engraving of a spider on it, they were silver and they were sharp.

They were the weapons of Black Widow the best werewolf hunter of all time. I could only dream of holding these in my hands, they were priceless.

The other weapons around me disappeared and I continued to walk into the cave-like opening, into darkness.


I awakened to find myself surrounded by trees. Getting up, I looked around and a few feet from me I saw Mel, she was unconscious.

I ran to her and shook her.

"Mel wake up," I said as I tried to awaken her.

She opened her eyes and curious hazel eyes greeted me.