Chapter VII

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I wrapped my arms around my stomach as I fell, my body was killing me and my hair felt like it was being ripped from my scalp. That bastard!

"Damn, my head is splitting," I said as I struggled to my feet.

I looked around and noticed that I couldn't see shit. It was dark, dusty and humid in here.

Suddenly the lights lit up the place and they hit my eyes with such force I had to clamp them shut. My eyes were aching and felt like they were about to blow.

I open them to see that I was in a room, a child's room from what I could make out.

It was white with a single bed covered with pink sheets and beside that bed sat two rows of dolls. There was a single light bulb in the room and under the bulb stood a girl.

She was eight by the looks of it, she was in a pink frilly dress with white bows on it, and she had pink and white bows in her hair which was in pigtails.

"Hello, I'm Selena and I want to play with you," she said as a creepy smile crept on her face.

As I was about to reply when a voice boomed across the room.

"Round 2, Agent Pealina Hanson V.S Selena ... Fight," the little wimp announced from somewhere across the room.

"You want me to fight her? She's just a kid. You got to be k-" I didn't even get to finish my statement.

Suddenly, a doll jumped on top of me, clawing at my face. I grabbed it and threw it across the room. The doll landed on its feet and stared at me with black button eyes.

It was a stuffed doll with pink hair, they all were but, their cute faces were now covered with stitches and they had claws.

"Come and play with us Peaches," said Selena with a tilt of her head.

The dolls mimicked her saying it over and over again. Their voices were high and annoying. 'Play with us, play with us' they sang, my ears were aching from their obnoxious voices. I couldn't... take... it.

"NO! Now shut it you annoying little brats!" I yelled.

They stopped, stared at me as the little girl started to cry.

"You won't play with me. You're a mean lady..." Her sad face turned into an evil one, her eyes now as black as her dolls. Her face contorted mimicking the dolls, scratched and bruised own and chills went down my spine. "Dolls make her pay."

Just then, the first row of five dolls rose to their feet, their eyes pitch black, their claws elongated and ready for action. The doll that first attacked me, fell in line with the other dolls as they readied themselves.

"Attack!" screamed Selena.

The first doll jumped towards me with lightning speed. I ducked and it went behind me, kicked the wall and came back. Another doll jumped at me and I split, the dolls collided with each other before falling at my feet. I grabbed them by their hair and acted like they were nuns-chucks, fighting off the other attackers.

Two by two the other dolls jumped at me, one pair went for my head while the other pair went for my feet. I flung the dolls in my hands at them and they dodged them. I then ran towards them at full speed and flipped. Their claws grazed my inner thighs as they pass through my open legs and my shoulder as they shot passed me.

I grunt as I landed surprisingly on my feet and turned to the dolls.

The top pair landed on the bottom pair's shoulders and advanced towards me. Together the dolls were 4ft tall. I clenched my fists and braced myself for their attack.

They split in two, one pair left and one right. They were running towards me, claws extended. I spun around my foot connected with the base doll to my right and my hand hit the top doll to my left, sending them both into the wall.

I split, using my hands as a base and swung my body around, my legs in the air extended to the side. I kicked the remaining dolls in their face and sent them flying.

I landed in a frog stance ready for what Selena had in store.

"Mean girl... beat my dollies.... you'll regret that," she scowled like the pathetic child she is.

"Damn right, you'll regret it!" I said as I stormed towards her.

Out of nowhere, the dolls jumped in front of her but I didn't hesitate. I continued on my path. The dolls jumped at me with claws extended. I kicked and punched them as they attacked. I stepped on the dolls' heads that were at my feet, as they tried to claw at me. I was flipping, dodging and kicking as the dolls tried to intercept me. I was almost near Selena when, a doll jumped on me and clawed me across my face. I jumped back landing far away from the little demons.

That little devil doll scratched me.

The dolls grinned coming together. They moulded and started to form a larger doll. It was over six feet and had black void eyes.

"Charge!" screamed Selena and the monster doll mimicked her. In that second I noticed something. The dolls are controlled by her so if I take her out it would take them out.

But, how do I get close to her...

Then it hit me. As I put my plan in effect, I felt the adrenaline run through me.

I charged angrily at the doll and it swung its right hand towards me. I dodged the attack but it kicked me with its left leg and I hit the wall.

I got up quickly, ignoring the pain and attacked the beast. I ran up to it and slid between its legs, heading towards Selena.


Its hand swung after me causing me to duck and roll as its hand collided with the wall. I continued towards Selena, keeping the beast in my range of vision. I was about a few feet from Selena now and the beast started to swing its fists at me. I ducked and avoided them. Then I turned on my heels and slid under the beast's dress.

Just as I planned the beast was going too fast and would be unable to stop, colliding with Selena squishing her.

"Well that was easy," I said as I got off the ground and headed towards the door that just appeared at the eastern end of the room.

"Round 2, Agent Hanson Wins!" No one in particular announced.

As I opened the door I saw three weapons appear in front of me.

A sword, a pair of archery guns and a spear.

I grabbed the archery guns without a second thought and as I did a pouch appeared at my side with ammo inside.

The guns were wooden, they had a groove where you slide in a line of arrows and they also had an engraving on them.

Guerre Fuerte. As in the best vampire hunter of the 18th century. The one who slew hundreds of vampires during the Supernatural war with these guns... and now they're mine. Holy shit!

I can't believe I'm fangirling over a dead guy.

I gripped the guns with a shake of my head and advanced towards the passage in front of me with a grin on my face and two things on my mind: Finding the others and making those bitches pay.