Chapter II

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"Ha! Slowpokes," I said as I pulled into the garage in first place.

"Whatever Ape," said Mel as she slipped out of the car followed by Peaches.

The garage was white with blue fluorescent lights and rows upon rows of SCU agent vehicles. We parked our vehicles in the far east corner of the room while the other people parked in the western areas. The garage was about 150ft by 100ft so, it could facilitate a lot of cars, bikes, trucks and even air and sea vehicles.

We left our vehicles at the specified area and walked to the elevator.

"You guys were awesome down there!" I heard a voice say and I turned around to see Jewels.

Her black hair fell in a braid to her waist, her emerald eyes were lit up with excitement and she was in a tight, black, leather, turtle neck bodysuit – so was the rest of us. She had a bronze complexion and was half Asian.

I was part Latin-American and Scottish. Together we were one big pot of racial mixtures.

Jewels ran over and hugged me, then everyone joined and soon... we all tumbled to the ground laughing.

It's hard to believe that these girls were the ones I met in the Academy. They were all so innocent, scared to even hurt a fly, well mostly Mel and right now we were the most kickass team in the SCU. We came a long way, that shit with Professor Evans sent us all in a state of depression and darkness but we made it out together.

I lost a lot of people. It was an awful year for me but knowing that their killer was dead gave me some closure...

"-celebrate... Here's to being able to kick the supernatural butts!" Peaches yelled as I regained consciousness only hearing a part of her speech.

"Yeah!" the girls shouted, making their best Charlie's Angels move while sprawled on the floor and I laugh.

"Hey, only the bad ones though," said Jewels as she laid on me, her cheeks turned crimson.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry we won't kill your precious werewolf, Allan," Peaches replied.

"Good now as Peaches said we really need to go and celebrate tonight. Someone needs to go have fun for her birthday," Jewels said as she got up off the floor.

"Do I have to?" I pouted.

"Yes turning eighteen is a big milestone, take it from me. I know. Now let's go sign out," she replied, grabbing my hands and pulling me off the ground.

Jewels was 20, Mel was 23 and Peaches was 22 which made me the youngest one here.

"Yeah, let's go party," yelled Peaches as she rose to her feet doing a weird dance.

She looked like a penguin trying to pick up fish with its flippers while wagging his butt and our faces scrunched up in disbelief.

"Come on Happy feet," said Mel as we finally entered the elevator at the opposite of our cars.

We all laughed as the doors closed.

"So, Jewels has Allan popped the question?" asked Peaches.

"No, not yet." She replied.

Jewels and Allan had been together for a year now. They had been through thick and thin together and he even told her he was a werewolf, which was rare for supernatural to do. I think it's because some nights he would run out on her and it was getting hard to cover up and eventually he had to tell her. She was a bit shaken but, she loved him so she accepted it. Seeing she was no saint.

"Have you told him what you do for a living?" asked Mel.

"No, how do you tell your mate that you hunt his kind for a living?" she said with sadness in her voice.

"Technically not his kind alone..." said Peaches, trying to ease her discomfort.

"Still it will be hard for her," I said as the doors opened.

We all walked into the hall, the walls were black, the tables and counters were mahogany and the seats black leather. There was a table beside the elevator with a rose and magazines. In front of the elevator was a desk and to the right the waiting room.

"Hi, Heather," we sang in a chorus to the lady at the desk in front of the elevator.

"Hi girls," she said with a smile.

Heather was in her mid-forties, she had wrinkles on her face, short, sunset red hair and blue eyes.

We walked through the waiting room that had the same furniture as the hall but had modern art on the wall.

I twisted a carving on a painting of a wolf and opened it. There was a keypad beneath it, I typed in 0501 and the wall slid aside. I stepped through the opening, followed by Jewels, Mel and then Peaches. The floors moved beneath our feet, carrying us to the left as the wall slid shut. The identification system kicked in and scanned us.

"April Brian identified;

Julia Stevens identified;

Melissa Forbes identified;

And Pealina Hanson identified.

Welcome back Squad Beta to Supernatural Control Unit, Roswell," the computer stated.

"Hey Rose," we said in sync. Rose was the super computer's operating system. She was in charge of everything in the Roswell SCU. Missions, agents, locations, wages... you name it she controls it.

"You may enter now."

Just then doors to our left opened, we walked out and found ourselves in the lounge.

The lounge had brown walls, tan sofas a glass table in the centre with magazines, a vase of flowers and a red velvet rug. We made our way to the lockers a room down from the lounge and as we walked in we drew our cards and checked in.

We then grabbed towels and hit the showers.

After that, we got dressed, fixed our hair, pulled on a pair of heels, checked out and made our way out of the agent room to the waiting room then the garage. We grabbed a BMW as we left. Jewels and I in the front, Peaches and Mel in the back.

"Let's go party you bad bitches!" Shouted Peaches.

We screamed in agreement as we pulled off the compound onto the roadway.

Little did we know what was going to happen to us on this faithful night.

HUNTING THE HUNTERS (1st INSTALLMENT of THE HUNTERS SERIES)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora