Chapter 13: Awkward.

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Chapter 13: Awkward.

Lauren's POV:

It's been a week since Camila and I have talked at school all we do is ignore eachother. It's hard to ignore her because I basically have her for every class. I feel really bad, but I just don't know how to feel about this whole situation. 

I have actually been talking to this girl on tumblr, she won't tell me her real name because you know it's the internet. We just call eachother like "babe" and that stuff. I feel like I'm actually falling for someone online. Well I guess anything is possible. 

Camila's POV:

I haven't talked to Lauren in a week I really don't want to, but if I do talk to her the feelings are still going to be there. That's why I'm trying to ignore her so I can try to move on. I have actually meet someone. 

We've just been talking all week, she's a pretty cool girl.

Well it's finally Friday, but great we have a project to do over the weekend and it's in partners I have no idea who to work with! I bearly even talk in this class. After everyone else got their partners the teacher said, "raise your hand if you don't have a partner," so I raised my hand. 

From the corner of my eye I saw someone else raise there and guess who it was? Lauren. Great not again, we have already been awkward.

The teacher says we will be working together ugh no.

Lauren's POV:

I had to invite Camila over, so we can just finish the project and not have to worry about it no more.

The car ride was so awkward lkke you have no idea how much. Well we go into my room and start doing the project in practically saying one eord to eachother.

This is going t o be a long night.

A.N: I'm sorry this is kinda short, but it's my brothers birthday but I said I would update again so here it goes! I can't believe I'm getting closer and closer to 1k! ;o

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