Chapter 2: First Day of School.

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Chapter 2: First Day of School.

Camila's POV:


  Today is the first day of my junior year and I'm in a new school and city. I'm really nervous because what if I make no friends and have to eat alone during lunch.

   Well hopefully today will go great if not, I'm going to be homeschooled. I decided to give high school a chance to try to meet new people. Hopefully people will like me.


  I'm a pretty shy person at first, but once you get to know me I'm a bit crazy, haha.

Now I'm at my new high school it's pretty big here, but I still can't find my first period and I'm too shy to ask anyone hopefully I'll make it on time I don't want to be late on my first day even though I'm new here.

Lauren's POV:

  I'm kinda excited for today. I feel like it's going to be great.


There's only a few minutes until the bell rings. I can't be late on my first day! My first period is pretty far so I have to start walking faster. Hopefully I make it.

While I'm going to class I wasn't paying attention, so I ran into someone. I was too busy picking up the person's papers that I totally forgot to say sorry.

Camila's POV:


   Someone bumped right into. I'm just trying to pick up the papers quickly, so I can get to class.

  She finally says, "I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention I didn't want to be late on my..."

  I look up and she stops talking and I just say "it's okay don't worry about it."

Lauren's POV:


  When she looks at me I can't help, but just stare she looks so familiar I just don't know from where.

  She said it was okay and I said, "my name is Lauren are you new around here?"

  She says "yes I just moved here." I just say "that's cool you'll love it here. "

Camila's POV:

  Lauren is really pretty. She has amazing eyes.

  When I start walking away I hear her yell, "I never got your name?" I turn around and feel pretty dumb. All I could feel is myself blush and finally say, "My name is Karla, but everyone calls me Camila."

She then smiles and starts to walk away. I just go and keep trying to find my class when I finally ask someone for help and they say it's on the other side of school.

Great I'm going to be so late. I finally get there and everyone just turns around when I walk in and I see someone and it was Lauren. She just smiles at me. This is definitely a good way to start my day.

(A.N: thanks for all the great comments! I'll keep going tomorrow they'll be another chapter!)


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