Chapter 11: Don't Say It.

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Chapter 11: Don't Say It.

Camila's POV:

"Umm do I know you?" is just there in my head. I can't believe she just said that and she forgot every memory we had. I didn't know what to say I was just shocked.

That's when the doctor came in and I told him, "she doesn't remember me." That's when tears starting coming out I don't know what to do she has to remember us after everything we've been through.

The doctor asked her a question, "what grade are you in?" She said, "I'm a sophomore." That's why she doesn't remember every even meeting me I meet her the first day of junior year. This can't be happening.

Lauren's POV:

The doctor said, "Lauren, you are  actually a junior right now." I just can't remember and then the girl in the room she was crying, but I have no idea who she is. She has to leave because the doctor had to do some tests. I actually wanted her to stay, so I can ask her some questions, but I guess not.

Camila's POV:

I had to leave and I am just going to wait in the waiting room, so I can go talk to her after I need to help her remember at least on thing about us.

The doctor came out and said they finished all the tests, but that she's asleep right now. I still decided to go and wait eventually I feel asleep on the chair. I woke up and Lauren was still sleeping she's so cute when she's sleeping.

I had to leave, so I went up to her and gave her a kiss on her forehead and started to walk away then I heard her say, "hold on."

I instantly turned around and went up to her. "Yes Lauren?" I said.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" she asked and well of course I said yes. "I'm Camila by the way." she had a little smile on her face.

"Where did we meet? Are we close friends?" she asked.

"We meet on the first day of junior year and um.." I stopped I wasn't sure if I should tell her.

"Umm what?" she said.

"You are my girlfriend.." I finally said.

She was just confused.

Lauren's POV:

After what Camila said I had no idea how to respond. I just said, "wait what dod you say?"

"You are my girlfriend Lauren. You'll probably not remember me, but I'm glad I had the time to be with you," she started tearing up so I wiped off the tears off her face. "I really hope you'll remember us because I miss it so much.

I said, "I'm sorry Camila. I wish I could remember because you are really cute." Wait did I just say that? She started to blush.

"I just want you to know that I love you Lolo," that name 'Lolo' sounds so familiar, but from where.

"Lolo?" I asked.

"That's what I would call you instead of Lauren and you could call me Camz. You were the first person to come up with that, everyone else just calls me Mila." she said.

Camila's POV:

While Lauren was asking me all these questions I came up with a plan to show her we were together. 

So I said, "Lolo can I ask you something?" She said, "sure."

"Well I know this is kinda early for me to even be thinking about this, but I was hoping if we could go on a date? So maybe if can bring back some memories." I said.

"Since you seem like you really want me to remember and I kinda want to remember then yes I wpuld love to go on a date with you, Camz," she said. That was the best feeling every just because she said yes!

"Alright, so tomorrow when you are out I will take you on hopefully a perfect date." I said.

"Okay, I can't wait," she said with a smile on her face. I just wish I could kiss her right now.

A.N: Do you think Lauren will remember? :oo I am going to try and update at least once a day.

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